"Well, she also says that stealing is very, very bad. But you helped Makkari do so." The Irish Eternal said, holding up the golden artifact you stole but you snatched it from his hands.

"If you don't tell, I won't tell." You said

Druig smirked as he scanned your face before he nods. "Deal."

You smiled and tilted your head to the side, Druig mimicking your actions.

"Now, milady, would you care to dance?"

"You know how to dance?" You ask

Druig rolled his eyes but placed his cup down, grabbing your hand and dragging you over to where the humans were dancing. You saw Sersi dancing with them. You were surprised when he pulled you into the circle with him.

Standing side by side, one hand held the hand of a human while the other held Druig's hand and his other held the hand of a human.

You smiled as Sersi smiled at you and you all danced together, laughing along with the humans. As you spun around before rejoining hands, you found Ajak's eyes.

And she smiled down at you from the balcony she stood on.


The next day, you had gone to the Northern fields with Sersi to help the new settlers. Sersi worked in the fields to grow the crops while you helped build the homes.

But when you sensed Druig, you smiled and faced him as he stared at you. He smiled as well as he continued towards you.

Throughout the day, he helped you with your tasks. From building homes, baking bread, to even helping the young children of the village.

Though he didn't do to great with the baking part.

You laughed as he attempted poorly to roll the dough, his suit partially covered in flour. "Sorry. I'm making a mess." He chuckled

You laughed at his words before helping him. He watched you with a smile as you helped the elderly woman before you lit the fire to cook the bread and the other pastries.

"Goodbye." You said to the woman who waved at you.

Grabbing Druig's hand, you led him through the village, waving at Sersi and nodding at Ikaris along the way.

Even when you floated in the air to help finish the roof of a new home, he waited on the ground for you to finish.

Then, as you braided a child's hair, he was helping a young boy make a wooden carving to play with. And he was smiling the whole day, surprisingly.

By the end of it all, you had both climbed up a very steep hill, laughing the whole way. As you both laid down on the dirt, with you playing with fire and his eyes glued to your every movement, he spoke up.

"You are very beautiful." He said

"Mm. Thank you, Druig." You smile, turning to look at them as you laid your hands on the ground beside his.

He connected your hands together, turning onto his side and sitting up to face you properly. "I am yours, Adara. If you'll have me."

You sat up as well, needing not to say anything as you leaned forward.

And your lips were yours one moment, then they were his. The taste of him on your tongue was like
sun-warmed honey. Like freezing water pouring down your parched throat. Like everything changed in a single second.

He knew. He knew that he would forever be yours. And you would forever be his. He could feel it.

The kiss lasted a while as the sun continued to set. Until that kiss faded and turned into something much more as it got darker.

And as the two of you lay naked in the dirt by the time to moon was shining and the stars were glimmering in the night sky, you looked up at him.

"I love you, Druig."

"I love you, Adara." He replied gently, placing a loving kiss on your forehead


400 AD

"May the gods hereby bond you in matrimony. Congratulations." The priest said

You and Druig smiled as you looked at each other, eyes and mind filled with nothing but love for each other.

You and him had gotten married one day after Ikaris and Sersi had been. And for both of your weddings, Ajak had been in tears and the others had been non stop smiling.

Even as they watched you and Druig kiss, the only one truly disturbed was Sprite. She found it disgusting, as all children do.

Goddess of Fire (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now