
261 5 0

575 BC

That same night, you sat surrounded by humans and watched Sprite's amazing illusions. The ceiling lit up with gold as the figures she made moved around.

"The wonders of the world await you. Follow Gilgamesh and Enkidu into battle. Be forever inspired by their bravery and strength. You and your fellow man... will go on great adventures. And become legends of your own!" Sprite said in Babylonian over the 'oohs and ahs' of the the humans.

The celebration was fun, both humans and your fellow Eternals getting drunk together and partying. But you stood by the wall, alone and avoiding everyone.

Bored, you closed your eyes and you felt the minds of everyone around you until you found one specific mind. Then, you linked yours and his together.

As if walking into a room, you stood in Druig's mind. And it truly was a wonderful place, hearing the thoughts of everything around you.

"Darling, where on Earth are you?"

Your voice in his head made him jump but he chuckled as he scanned the crowd to find you with your eyes closed.

"If you opened your eyes, you would be able to see me."

Watching your eyes open as you smiled, he smiled as well.

"My love, I'm supposed to be the one toying with your mind. Not the other way around."

At the new nickname he gave you, you raised your eyebrow in surprise. But you disconnected your minds and he rolled his eyes when he found himself blocked out once again. You smirked at him from across the room before walking off to find something to do.


After hanging out with Makkari for a while, she grabbed you and raced over the where Druig sat with a few humans.

As she looked towards the humans, you looked to Druig to find him smirking at you. "My beautiful Adara."

When Makkari waved to him, he waved back to his friend with a smile before speaking again. "You're late." He signed to her, still saying the words aloud

"I needed to get enough artifacts to make a good trade." Makkari signed. "Then I got distracted by your beautiful Adara."

You scoffed as she nudged your arm before she dropped her own down with a sly smirk as she glanced between you and Druig.

You rolled your eyes before helping Makkari drop the artifacts on the table before the humans.

"Just lie to her." You heard one human whisper to the man making a deal with your friend. You watched as the man reached forward and went to steal one of the artifacts but Makkari was smart.

She turned, grabbing the human's hand.

"I can sense vibrations." She signed, Druig translating her words to the humans. "Even the tiniest movement. Including your voices when you speak. Did you two just waste my time?" Makkari questioned as she dropped her hands to her sides

"The Emerald Tablet you're searching for... is a myth." The human said but before Makkari could respond, humans not to far away began to fight

Druig stepped forward, his eyes shining gold. Seconds later, the humans that had been fighting stopped. After smacking themselves in the face twice, the cheered and hugged the person they had been fighting.

You stepped forward, smacking Druig's arm as he laughed.

"When humans have conflict, Ajak tells us not to interfere." You state

Goddess of Fire (To Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now