BONUS CHAPTER; The Family Madrigal

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The shelf the glasses sat on were lifted to one side by the house and as they slid off, they fell into the waiting hands of Mirabel. The brunette grabbed her self-decorated dress off a sewing table, jumped and as she landed, the house scrambled to put shoes under her feet.

Placing her hand on the doorknob, she took a deep breath, "Make your family proud."

The House conveyed Mirabel downstairs and she passed a portrait of Abuelo Pedro, "Morning Abuelo."

Meanwhile outside, three kids excitedly ran up the path towards La Casa Madrigal. As Mirabel moved through the corridors, shutters opened around her. She reached the dining room and began setting the table — each member of the family has their own plate, highlighting their gift. As Mirabel sat the table, kids hollered at her from outside.

"Hey! When's the magic gift happen?!" Juancho asked.

"My cousins ceremony is tonight." Mirabel replied, turning away to face the table but was soon interrupted again.

"What's his gift?" Little Alejandra spoke.

"We're gonna found out."

"What's your gift?"

Teasingly, Mirabel raised her eyebrows, "Who's asking?"


"Well, 'us', I can't just talk about myself. Im only part of the amazing Madrigals."

"Who's all the amazing Madrigals?"

"Aw, you're not gonna leave me alone, are you? Casita, help me out. Drawers," the house moved its drawers, "Floors," the house moved its floors in a rhythmic way, "Doors," the magic doors lit up. "Lets go!"

"This is our home, we've got every generation," Mirabel sang, knocking on her cousin Camilo's door to wake him up, "So full of music, a rhythm of its own design." She sang, whilst knocking her hips on Dolores' door.

She approached her sister room, opening the door to find Isabela waking up, "This is my family, a perfect constellation."

Mirabel then approached her other sister Luisa who was currently running on a makeshift treadmill thanks to the house, "So many stars and everybody gets to shine."

Abuela emerged from her room, "Whoa, but lets be clear Abuela runs this show. Whoa, she led us here so many years ago. Whoa and every year our family blessings grow. There's just a lot you simply got to know so!"

Mirabel led her family out of the house, waving goodbye to the house to which it waved back with its shutters and tiles, "Welcome to the family Madrigal. The home of the family Madrigal. We're on our way! Where all the people are fantastical and magical, I'm part of the family Madrigal."

The town kids watched the Madrigals emerge, super psyched to see these amazing people get to work.

The kids crowded around Mirabel, "Oh my gosh it's them!"

"What are the gifts?"

"I can't remember all the gifts."

"Who is who?"

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