Hot Chocolate - Jisung (pt. 1)

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Jisung x Non!Binary Reader
Part one of a mini series!

"I'll take a hot chocolate please."
"Okay, that'll be five dollars."
"That all?"
"Yeah, what do you expect? It's not like a smoothie or anything."
"Well then, make the two. Come sit with me, yeah?"
"Ahh I might get in trouble.."
"Come on Ji, it'll be nice! I haven't seen you in years!"
"Fine.. gosh you're persistent."

That was our first hot chocolate date. One of many, for years.
Today, I was going to ask you out, Y/N.
But the thing is, I was worried.
What if you didn't like me? Would I ruin everything we had built up?
So when I got to my ten to five shift again, for what seemed like the thousandth over the years, I waited.
An hour passed by, and I began to feel anxious.
Were you not coming? Was it because I told you today was special, and that I wanted you to come earlier?
I could feel my heart racing, ears ringing as the panic set in.

It was twelve, our usual time, and you had not yet arrived.
I checked the tables anxiously as I cleaned them, my manager putting me on a different job for once.
One o'clock. I gave up waiting, and tried to forget about you.
But it was so goddamn hard.
When I finally had my break, I messaged you like crazy, only to feel the dread sit in, as all the messages said 'not delivered'.
Had you just disappeared? Was that it? You ghost me and leave me just like that?
After years of building up to the friend zone we had trapped ourselves in, you left?

As my break was over, I felt myself smile, as I saw your eyes, your hair, but it faded shortly afterwards.
As you came up to the counter, you smiled at me.
"Can I get two hot chocolates?" You asked.
"Of course. That'll- That'll be ten dollars." I said.
You were hand in hand with another man. You looked, in love, as he bent down to kiss you on the head.
When you walked off to a table, my heart sank.
You had found yourself a lover.
Leaving me, to love you.

I felt myself watching the both of you, and I knew I looked creepy.
As I walked over with the drinks in hand, I smiled at the both of you.
"Y/N, the usual. The same for your friend."
"Boyfriend." The man corrected.
Shattered. That's what my heart was.
"Jeno I haven't told him about you." You grumbled, before looking to me.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I tried to message you but I dropped my phone in a puddle. You know me, I'm clumsy. So I couldn't get ahold of you. But yeah, we're dating." You explained, the smile never leaving your face.
"Since two days ago." The man, Jeno grinned.
I smiled weakly.
"I'm glad you found yourself someone. But our usual hot chocolate date next week then?" I asked.
"Date..?" Jeno questioned.
You turned to him, half-panicked.
"Not literally a date. It's like a hang out we used to do every Sunday." You explained.

Jeno sighed. "Ah you had me worried!"
You smiled, and I felt my broken heart melt, as I walked off, knowing what the answer would be.
"Jisung!" You called out.
I turned to you. "Yeah?"
I knew my eyes betrayed how I felt, as I saw the guilty look on your face.
"Hot chocolate next week?"
I smiled. "Sure. Don't drop your phone next time."
With that I went to finish up my shift, as I saw you leave, you never glanced my way.
Your hand was always in his.
I was jealous. Of course I was. I was in love with you, I am in love with you.
Nothing would change that.

He looked so hurt as me and Jeno left, hand in hand.
"Babe, you okay?" He asked, turning to me as we hopped in the taxi.
"Yeah. He just looked really- upset. I knew I just shouldn't of gone there." I said, looking glumly out the window.
"Hey hey it's okay! I'm sure he was just upset you cancelled on him, but he'll get over it! I'm sure he will, and you guys will be best friends again." Jeno grinned, pulling me towards him.
"I hope so.." I whispered.

I knew this Jisung guy would be a problem.
You could see in his eyes that he was in love with Y/N, badly.
So the next day, I went to the cafe without Y/N, without them knowing.
"Hi what can I get you- Jeno?" He asked.
"Can I talk to you? Outside?" I asked, holding my balled fists down by my legs.
He just looked confused, before looking at his watch.
"My break is in five minutes. If it's that important you can wait. I can't lose my job." He half chuckled, before getting back to serving customers as I sat down and waited.

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