How They Confess - NCT 127

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- Would write a whole song about you, for you
- Sounds cheesy, but it's really romantic
- He would invite you over to study, as you usually do, and would casually play it from his speaker
- When you realise his voice, you find the song really beautiful
- "Who's the song about?"
- He was nervous, but still smiled your way
- "It's about you. Y/N, I think I'm in love with you"
- Of course you say yes, and he was so excited
- You forgot about you studying and decided to talk about your feelings
- Overall was very romantic, and you are definitely both together now

- Most definitely would serenade you your favourite love song
- He would be slightly nervous, but he wouldn't worry too much, since he knew he could play it off if you said no
- So one night, you guys did karaoke, and he used that moment to confess
- "Oh baby it's you~" He sang, looking straight at you
- You became nervous yourself, having feelings for him in your own way.
- "That was very passionate. Did you mean it?"
- "Maybe.. Y/N, I like you."
- Said it so abruptly you were kind of in shock, before you started laughing
- "I like you too."

- Would just tell you up front
- He doesn't have time to make it fancy, he just wants to get it out of the way
- So one day when you guys were hanging out, he interrupted the silence
- "Y/N, do you wanna like, go out?"
- "Where? What?"
- He sighs, honestly not understanding how you were confused.
- "Do you want to go on a date with me? I like you."
- You just sat there 🧍‍♀️figuring out what the hell he just said for a few minutes
- "Did I break you?"
- "No, no.. I'm just- confused. But yes we can go on a date."
- So you spent the rest of the time together planning and talking, sitting closer than ever before

- He would be really nervous, asking all his friends for advice
- Since he didn't want it to be really awkward, he just invited you to hang out with him like normal
- You guys were happily chatting away, when your favourite song played from the radio
- You started dancing goofily, and Yuta couldn't help but smile
- "You're beautiful." He accidentally whispered out
- You paused, feeling really embarrassed
- He hung his head in his hands
- "No no keep going it's fine- I mean I don't mean it like that! I- Ah crap." He grumbled
- "I like you Y/N! I really do.. so do you want to-"
- "Yes, I do."

- Like the others, he would confess through song
- Although, this time he would do it subtly
- He would keep playing the song he wrote for you, every time you hung out
- He would even see you sing along sometimes
- He always wanted to tell you about the song, but he was worried you would reject him
- But one day when he caught you singing along quite brightly, he burst
- "I wrote this song Y/N. It's about you."
- "Me? Wow.. so you..?"
- "I like you, yeah. I hope this doesn't make things awkward."
- Really worried he messed things up, but when you kissed him, he knew he didn't.
- "You should've told me you liked me earlier."

- Would probably just blurt out his confession, but it would be half English, half Korean
- When he noticed you were confused, he would be super embarrassed
- It would take him a few minutes to gather himself, before he would finally turn to you
- "I'm going to be honest here, I like you, like a lot, Y/N."
- When you sit their silently he panics he messed up, until you start blushing
- "Gosh what is wrong with me.. I- shit I like you too."
- Would honestly be surprised you like him back, and would be grinning like crazy
- There would be a lot of smiles that day

- Would have the whole thing planned out
- The romantic dinner, everything
- Although it was just you two going as friends
- When you ordered dessert, he asked the waiter to place a small card on top of your cake
- When it arrived, you looked confused until you read the scrawl on the note; his handwriting
- 'Will you go out with me? As more than friends.'
- You half panicked for a second, before looking to him, feeling your face heat up
- "Yes!" You grinned
- He almost screamed in excitement, calming down knowing you were in public
- Would smile at you the whole night happily, you reciprocating his happiness

- He would work on a song for you for ages, making all the sheet music himself
- Would write the lyrics as well
- He would casually hum the song one day when you're over, since he was still working on it
- "Is this song finished? Is it yours? Can you sing it to me?"
- He felt a bit nervous, but played it for you nevertheless
- After you listened happily, you wondered about his inspiration
- "So who were you singing about?"
- He looked really awkward, as he looked down, rubbing at his neck
- "It was about, erm, you. I like you, yeah."
- You would smile at him, and give him a hug moments after
- "It's beautiful, thank you. I like you too."

- This man gives no shits half the time, but he was slightly nervous
- He didn't want to ruin your relationship as friends, so he dodged telling you about it
- "Would you accept to date someone if they were your friend? Just curious?"
- "Depends on the person." You'd shrug.
- He'd just give up waiting
- "Y/N, please listen I don't feel like repeating myself. I like you a lot more than friends. If you don't like me back that's fine we can work it out-"
- "I like you too ya big dummy." You'd chuckle, pulling him in to shut him up with a kiss
- He'd get flustered and you would laugh at him, only for him to kiss you back and you get the same nerves
- This would go back and forth for awhile until you just cuddled into each others embrace.

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