When you lose his baby - Lucas

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Lucas x Female!Reader

I lay in the living room, head on my boyfriend's lap as we watched the TV, my hand on my stomach. Well, more like my soon-to-be husband.

I was close to being nine months pregnant. It was scary, really. Time had flown so fast, and before I knew it, I would be giving birth soon. I would be starting a family.

My other hand traced along the ring on Lucas's finger, as he looked down at me with a smile.
"Are they kicking?" He asked.

I pushed slightly on my stomach, feeling a little bump push back. I smiled up at Lucas.
"Kicking like always. Hurting poor mummy." I fake-frowned.

"You know, I'm so excited to start our family. Once our baby is born, we'll look after them for a while, then we'll get married, and then, when we can, we'll go on our honeymoon. Even if that means going when we're old and grey, and our kids graduated. Our life is going to be perfect." Lucas grinned.

"I really do hope so." I grinned back.
"It will happen. I'll make sure of it." He said.
"Our wedding is going to be so packed.. your whole group will be there! Plus our parents, grandparents even.. maybe your groups parents! And siblings- how many chairs are we going to need!" I exclaimed.

Lucas chuckled. "Well, at least 100 I'm sure.. but let's not worry about that just yet."
"We've got awhile.." I said, looking at the roof.

"Any name ideas if it was a boy?" I asked.
"Hmm, what about Lucas? Named after his handsome father?" He smirked.
"One Lucas is enough!" I scoffed jokingly. "I think Bao is cute. It means treasure. He'd be like our little treasure." I smiled.

"That's adorable.. what about a girl?" Lucas asked.
"Hm.. Suyin.. it just sounds pretty. Although, anything's alright with me." I shrugged.
"I think it's cute.. well, we can decide when we actually have them, huh." He said, giving me a peck on the forehead.

I just smiled, before looking back to the TV.
Then I felt a sharp pain, making me groan.

"Shit. Lucas, I think my water broke."
He just looked at me, confusion flashing on his face.
"The baby's coming out." I clarified.

"Oh shit! Come on baby, let's get you to the hospital." He said, scooping me into his arms as he grabbed the car keys, rushing to the garage.

He placed me in the back, hopping into the driver's seat, driving quickly.
I lay in the back, groaning out in pain.

"Babe, they're pushing.. Can you drive faster?"
Lucas looked at me in the mirror, worry clouded in his eyes.

"Y/N, baby, I'll drive as fast as I can. But I can't risk getting pulled over."
"If you do, just tell the damn cop your wife's pushing a fetus out of her!" I grunted.

Lucas just chuckled weakly, pushing down, speeding up.
Then a light flickered red, making him pull to a stop.

I almost flew forward, catching myself.
"Be careful! You'll hurt us!" I grumbled.

"I'm sorry baby.. I'm just trying to get you there quickly.. I don't want anything going wrong." Lucas sighed.

"I know, I know.." I sighed, laying back, holding my stomach in agony.
"We're almost there, hold on.." Lucas said, taking a turn.

Then everything went bright, the light red as a truck pummelled into our car.
I saw Lucas's eyes in the mirror, staring at me with sorrow, as it went dark.

When I awoke, I was in a bright white room.
Instinctively, I went to place my hand on my stomach.

It was flat. The baby bump was gone.
I felt myself panic, looking around.

There was nothing. Just more white, and the sterile sense of the hospital.
I instantly hit the call nurse button, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

A nurse came quickly, looking at me with relief as I sat, awake.

"Jaemin.. I didn't realise you worked here as a nurse."
"Well, I don't work as a nurse, I'm a doctor, remember?" He smiled half-heartedly.

"Yes, of course.. Jaemin, where's my baby?" I asked.
Jaemin looked down.

"Y/N, I don't really know how to tell you that.." He said, avoiding my eyes.
"If you won't tell me that, at least tell me where Lucas is. Is he okay?" I asked.
"He's alright. He sustained minor injuries, although we had to perform surgery. He was splintered with a lot of glass, and a shard pierced his lung. Not deeply, but deep enough to have us worried. He's asleep in another room." Jaemin assured.

"Was my baby a boy or a girl? Where are they?" I pushed again.
The door pushed open, as an exhausted Lucas pushed himself in, holding himself against a heart monitor machine.

He looked to me, with relief, before he noticed my flat belly, turning to Jaemin.
"Where's our kid?" He asked.

"Please sit down, you shouldn't even be out of bed." Jaemin stressed, leading Lucas to a chair.
He sat down reluctantly.

"I'm so sorry.. in the crash, your baby was ultimately crushed.. he's breathing, but only barely.. it's a miracle he survived, but I'm not sure how long he'll survive."

"He? They were a boy?" Lucas asked.
Jaemin nodded.

"Our little Bao.." I whispered, feeling tears sting at my eyes.
"How likely is it that he'll survive?" Lucas asked, grabbing for my hand.

"A twenty, maybe fifteen percent.." Jaemin said. "I'm really sorry.."
I felt the tears fall, as I cried.

"It's still a chance, isn't it?" Lucas asked, smiling half-heartedly, his eyes turning puffy as tears formed in his.

"Code blue in the infants ward. I repeat, code blue."

"Code blue?" Lucas questioned.
"Someone stopped breathing.. a baby stopped breathing.." Jaemin said, looking at the floor.
"It's not him, is it..."

"He was the only child in critical condition." Jaemin said quietly.
I grabbed at Lucas's hand, looking at Jaemin.

"Thank you for trying.. please thank the nurses.. for everything.." I whispered.
Lucas looked to me, tears slipping down his face, before he weakly hugged me.

"I'm sorry.. our family might have to wait. May he fly with the angels, our little Bao.. our little treasure.." Lucas whispered.

"May our treasure be free and happy among the clouds.."

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