Episode 10: The Knight

Comenzar desde el principio

I grin with pure malevolence. I will make sure that they drown in regret for what they put me through. Their fates consisted of only despair and tragedy. I begin to pity them already- but it is not enough pity to change the course of their fate; for it was already set in stone by me.

The suns above me align to give the illusion that there is only one sun. The sky brightens to a crude yellow. I soon hear croakers fill the room.

I numb myself and do not dare move a muscle. The croakers observe me and speak among themselves before exiting. They return with Oculus.

"I hope thy has gotten enough rest for the big day..." he says as he walks over to me.

I say nothing but stare up.

"Tch tch tch..." he touches under my eye. "The bags under your precious eyes tell me that you have not rested. What a shame..."

His humor is unfunny-it is irritating and testing my patience. I fight myself to not break through these chains to strangle him.

He pulls away from me and starts waving his fingers around. My scarlet red velvet pants are cleaned up and appear brand new. More gold hangs from my neck. My bare chest is wrapped in the golden jewelry- and my head, arms, and ears drape it.

Yet, Oculus still stares at me unsatisfied. "You look splendid, but, that blue star in your chest throws the entire look off..." He taps it with his nail. "I wish I could pry it out of you...-although that will not be necessary, I will simply change the color to my liking!" He twirls a finger and my star transforms into gold. It feels a bit weird but I do not show a reaction.

"You are a marvelous equal." Oculus turns to his guards. "Leave us. Go gather the village for our ceremony, anyone who refuses to attend... rid them." The croakers nod in unison and leave.

Oculus fixes my hair. "I understand that you are not looking forward to this as much as I am. So I figured to offer you something." He holds up a small vile. "Drink this and it will make you feel more pleasurable during the process." He holds it to my lips but I pry my lips shut without making the movement too visible. He tries to insert it into my mouth but has no avail.

He forces out a chuckle and opens my mouth with his fingers. It catches me off guard. He pours the vile down my throat. "For the record America, I suggest you be on your best behavior today. If you cause anything to go wrong, I promise I will make you eat your own intestines..." Oh how chilling... give me a break.

The liquid was surprisingly sweet. My pupils dilate and I feel heat rush to my face. When I feel a growing tightness in my crotch area I immediately know what that vile did to me. How dare Oculus do this to me. The fucking nerve. I suppress all my sexual urges, they will not foil my plan. I now decide that I will be even more sinister when I get my revenge.

Oculus then flies around decorating his temple with more pointless gold and meaningless statues.

He wants to make a fool out of me? I will make a fool out of him in front of everyone who shows up today. He will get no son from me. His entire temple will be reduced to ashes. I will find a way to annihilate him. And when all is lost, I will ponder in the remains for Russia.

I feel myself starting to get excited. When Russia returns, he will be all mine again. We will make up for the time we have lost together. I wanted to touch him so badly- every inch of his body with my lips. Woah what the fuck was I thinking?! That vile really had made me horny. Will I be able to suppress this when Russia is in my presence? On second thought, maybe I will summon the golden string when I am one hundred percent certain the effects have worn off.

Oculus flies back down by my side. "I have come to the conclusion that I will keep thy paralyzed for the entire ceremony. It will ensure that everything goes according to plan." I feel my chains unlock and I am lifted into the air. Oculus grabs my leash and walks me up a golden staircase in the middle of the temple. At the top, there is a floating platform. The only thing on it was an odd chair- made of gold of course, but the way it was constructed would force you to sit on it with your legs spread out. It made me very uncomfortable.

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