Chapter 5: Over the Rainbow

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(The day after Shamshel's Attack.)

Gendo, was having a meeting with the Human Intrumentality Committee, known as SEELE, they were discussing Shinji ikari, and Unit-01.

Keel: Your son is not what we expected.

SEELE 4: The reports stated that Shinji Ikari is a wimp, but he is beyond that.

SEELE 6: Not to even mention that he is a natural at pilot Unit-01. And now it's developing an S2 organ, and it's awakened so soon.

Keel: So you have something to do with this Ikari?

Gendo: I have nothing to do with this. We can all assure that Shinji is what he is, but It was unexpected that the Third Child to suddenly change personalities, and be a natural pilot for Unit-01. But with all that aside, the Human Instrumentality Project will go according to the scenario.

Keel: Keep an eye on the Third Child, Ikari, and make sure that nothing will ruined our chances for this.

As with that, the holograms disappeared.

(Back to the present...)

Shinji, Misato, Toji, and Kensuke, were in a helicopter. Kensuke was recording his trip, se was so excited. Toji was wearing a new cap. Misato was wearing a beret, and Shinji brought a bag, and he ready as usually. The helicopter landed on a ship carrier called "Over the Rainbow" and Shinji tells everyone something.

Shinji: Hold on to your hats, because it's windy!

Misato: Okay.

Misato, and Toji hold their hats, and everyone got out, and ready to meet a current pilot. As they waited, a girl with red hair, blue eyes, and yellow sundress appears.

Misato: Hello Asuka, look how much you've grown.

Asuka: Heh... And I also gain some size too.

Misato: Alright everyone, allow me to introduce to you the Second Child, Asuka Langley Soryu.

Shinji looks up and turns away, pretending to see an aircraft, while a gust of wind blew Asuka's skirt up to reveal her white pantie. Asuka quickly slaps, Toji, and Kensuke for peeking at Asuka's panties. Toji got mad, and yells at her.

Toji: Hey, what of that for?

Asuka: For viewing up my skirt you perv!

Toji was about to say something, but Shinji puts his hand on his shoulder, he looks at him and speaks.

Shinji: I know she shouldn't have worn a dress, but it's her decision, not our.

Toji: Oh, alright.

Asuka: Hey, Misato? Where is the Third Child that I've heard about?

Shinji: That would be me.

Shinji walks up to Asuka, and holds out his hand.

Shinji: I'm Shinji Ikari, the Third Child, and pilot of Eva Unit-01. And you must be Asuka Langley Soryo that Misato was talking about.

Asuka: She does?

Misato: I do? (Maybe I've been drink too much.)

Asuka shakes Shinji's hand.

Asuka: Well, I do feel honored for someone who has heard about me. *Let go of Shinji's hand* and your not much to look at.

Shinji just rolls his eyes, as the gang walks to the inside of the ship.

(Time skip...)

After Misato's argument with the Admiral, a unshaved man holding a suitcase walks in.

Asuka: Kaji!

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