Chapter 1: Angel Attack

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Shinji saw the aircrafts flying over him, the he saw Sachiel, Just how he remembers the day he first got here. As he watch watched the aircrafts firing missiles at the angel, Shinji picks up his duffle bags, takes cover and hides in an alley.

Shinji: Wait! If Misato sees what I'm wearing, she would raise suspicion on me.

Shinji hides the necklace inside under his shirt. Then he takes a peek in the alleyway, and saw one of the aircrafts crash on the ground in front of him. Shinji pick up his bag and goes to find Misato's car. And finally, Misato arrives with her blue car, and parks beside Shinji. Misato opens the door to the front seat.

Misato: Quick get in!

Shinji: Yes Ma'am!

Shinji does what he was told, as he get and sits in Misato car, He put his bag on the passenger's seat,fasten his seat belt, and closes the door. Misato steps on the gas, and drove of to NERV.

Shinji: Man, you're late.

Misato: Hehe... sorry. I'm Misato Katsuragi. You must be Shinji Ikari. Correct?

Shinji: Yeah, so what was that thing that was attack this city?

Misato: That was an angel, we're trying to get rid of it, but it seems It's seems it's too strong.

Shinji: I'm scared, but what if they used a nuclear explosion on that's angel.


Misato panic as she pushes her car to the speed limit, She then drives inside a tunnel and parks inside of it.

Misato: We should be safe for now, we'll stay in here, until a loud explosion could be heard.

Shinji: Okay...?

As they waited, a explosion of the N2 mine can be heard far away, and the ground shakes. Misato signs in relief that the tunnel was able to protect them from the explosion. After a minute or two, they continue to hit the road as Misato drives themselves out of the tunnel.

Misato: Hey uhh... thank for the concern, you save my car's life.

Shinji: Umm... no problem...?

Misato: Now, let's focus on getting you to NERV.

(Time skip...)

After the journey to NERV, Misato gave give the manual of NERV, and Shinji has the ID card. As they exited the car, and they walk around the facility, and tries to the way to the EVA cage. Misato and Shinji explores around NERV, while Misato was holding a map.

Shinji: Just face it! We're lost Katsuragi!

Misato: We're not lost, I'm still new around these, parts.

Shinji: How about we go on an elevator,

Misato: Elevator?

Misato looks over the elevator, and she remembers something.

Misato: Oh! There it is, let's go.

Misato follows Shinji to the elevator, as they made their way the elevator doors open to reveal Ritsuko Akagi who was in a swimsuit, and putting on her clothes.

Misato: Oh, hello Ritsuko.

Misato and Shinji walks in the elevator, as it's close and descends to the cages.

Ritsuko: Why are you wasting my time, Captain? We're running out of time, and manpower.

Misato: Sorry...

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