CHAPTER 222- Drew's Ambition

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Drew heard the term "little daddy" and realized that Julia was referring to Eric. In fact, she seemed to feel envious of Drew due to her being pampered by Eric. To her, it seemed like Drew had him wrapped around her finger, but Drew, herself, was the only one who truly understood Eric's personality. He wasn't someone who could be manipulated by others.

Still, she kept her thoughts to herself. She then asked, "Why do you want to buy a script from Eric?"

Julia didn't hide anything as she readily informed Drew about Elisabeth's plan.

Drew's eyes flashed and she asked, "Why didn't you look for me?"

Julia frowned and asked, "Look for you? What does this have to do with you?"

Drew smirked and proudly replied, "Let me tell you, Eric likes to brainstorm in his study, so there are many scripts in his study that he thinks are good."

Julia opened her mouth in amazement and asked, "You're not planning on stealing them, are you?"

"How is that poss-," Drew subconsciously refuted before she stopped herself and said, "In fact, if I just take an outline, Eric will never know."

Julia immediately shook her head and refused, "No, even if Eric doesn't find out right away, he will definitely find out after the film is released in the future."

"That's true," Drew indifferently shrugged her shoulders.

She didn't believe that Julia wouldn't be tempted, so she leaned back in her seat and stared outside the window, pretending to look bored while she waited for Julia to speak again.

Sure enough, the car continued down the road for a few minutes before Julia finally couldn't help but hesitantly ask, "Drew, you mean that Eric has a lot of spare... script outlines?"

"Yea," Drew nonchalantly lightly replied as she continued to stare out the window, a smile slowly started spreading on her face.

Julia slowly asked, "Eric pampers you so much, so can't you ask him to sell us one? Anyways, he... he has so many."

During the call, Elisabeth had been so focused on the kiss that she forgot to mention the reason why Eric had refused to sell them a script. As a result, Julia thought that maybe she could ask Drew to persuade him. However, Drew directly broke Julia's illusions.

She said, "Since Eric has rejected Miss Murdoch, he must have a good reason. Even if I try to persuade him, he won't change his mind."

Julia became silent again. It wasn't that she didn't want Drew to steal Eric's script, but that she really didn't dare. Even though she wasn't sure how Eric would react after he found out, it certainly wouldn't be a laughing matter.

After gauging Julia's thoughts, Drew said, "In fact, Eric is not the only person in this world who can write scripts."

Julia stopped the car at the red light and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, we can find a script ourselves, and then I can have Eric read it and see if it has any potential." Drew quickly replied, unaware that her ideas coincided with those of Elisabeth.

Julia was keenly listening to Drew, so she grasped a word and asked, "You just said... we?"

"Yeah," Drew didn't conceal her purpose and said, "Julia, you see, since Elisabeth Murdoch wants to set up a film company, why don't we all take some equity and work together? You'll be the female lead, I'll be in charge of the script and production, and Elisabeth will be in charge of distribution. How about it?"

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