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after their little 'open up session' as donghyuck liked to call it, the four young men were constantly going on dates if they all had time.

even if not all of them had time like when jeno and mark had to do leader things, jeamin and donghyuck would go on a date together, if the younger boys had to work and the elders were free they'd just go out as the markno  couple (the idea of the youngest boy was to give every pairing a shipname), when mark and jaemin had to have a meeting with either, each others gangs or meetings that the other wasn't involved in, the nohyuck couple would do something together, or when mark and haechan would do something important it would be just nomin. i think you get what i mean.

still, they didn't want to label themselves. they thought it was too early.

the four men decided to not tell everyone about them. they wanted to be left alone with the questions that would surely come and just enjoy their time together and get to know each other better. they decided to just tell the ones that would also be affected by their relationship.

but this also included a certain's blue head's brother and let's just say the three soulmates of the youngest boy were kind of nervous.

they were talking about yuta nakamoto after all.


"oh jaemin. don't get me wrong, but you don't have a shift today, right? so what brings you here? and who are the people you are with?" wooyoung asked after scanning the males behind jaemin from head to toe.

"oh uh i need to talk to yuta hyung about something... and these are my new... friends" jaemin answered with a little smile.

wooyoung only nodded. if he saw the little frowns on the good looking men, he wouldn't say anything.

"sure you know where he is. but he has a meeting right now so... just wait outside." the older told jaemin.

the blue head noticed the others uneasiness as he told him about the meeting.

the youngest in the room decided to not push it right now and to just ask his friend later.

jaemin turned around and smiled at his soulmates.

"come with me i'll show you where we need to go" he told them with a little smile and began to walk in the club.

the elders just followed.

as they seemed to have arrived, the boys looked around. before them was a door possibly led to another room. the club was really something else.

mark already knew what everything looked like from his meeting he had so he just sat down on one of the chairs a little farther away from the door.

jeno and donghyuck followed him shortly after. now there was just one seat left, this being the one right beside the door. jaemin sat down there and the room fell silent.

it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. more like preparing to talk to one of the biggest gang leaders in south korea.not scary at all, right?

well maybe not for the cocky red head named lee jeno or the mark lee who just wants to stay his ground. he was a leader too after all for fuck's sake.

and donghyuck? well he just wished to be someone important too, so he wouldn't look like a scarred puppy. but luckily he was confident enough to not let himself get intimidated on the outside.

the men got kicked out if their thoughts as the door opened, or slamed open.

five men that didn't look all too friendly, stormed out of the room and cursed at yuta in japanese.

jaemin was shooked and very angry to hear the men's choices of words. he supposed the meeting didn't go that well.

as he looked to his left he saw the confusion on his soulmates faces.

"the frick did that asshole just say?!" he then heard his brother growling as he stormed out too.

"fucking bastard if he dares to says something about him again i swear-" as he turned around he looked straight in his little brother's eyes.

"oh. hey min... look, i hope you didn't hear that- wait, what are you even doing here? i thought you were at home?-" he then just saw the men that sat behind jaemin.

"and why the fuck is mark here again? who are the other two?"
yuta asked.

johnny came from the meeting room and laid his hand on yuta's shoulder.

"calm down.-" he turned to the younger men in the room "- why don't we sit down in here? and yuta, we'll talk later, alright?"


heyho! just wanted to say that i decided to sped this up a bit. it would take too long otherwise

at first i wanted to put more drama right here put i'll give them a little more time before shit is going down :))

i actually didn't take two weeks for this :D (kinda proud)

i hope you enjoyed!

thanks for reading<3

have a good day/night<3


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