The center had a huge picture of her smiling brightly. That smile. That intoxicating smile was the first thing about her that made him go crazy. He didn't know how just a smile could entice him. It had casted an unbreakable spell upon him from the first time he saw her. Before her all he used to find in women were the perfect hour glass body that could satisfy his hunger. But with her it was different.

Those beautiful brown eyes had him captive all these years. That naturally wavy hair reaching down her waist...Ohh! How much he loved them! Every thing about her was enough to cloud his eyes with desire, a desire to keep her with him. Only for him. Only for him to see, to feel, to play.

He raised his hands towards the picture and traced the face in the picture with his finger. He wanted to touch her in real, "Soon you will be here front of my room. I will touch you whenever and however I want. No one would be able to stop me. Not even you." he remembered how sometimes he used to melt down hearing her pleadings and would do what she asked him to. But not now. Now she had crossed all her limits and he would do the same.

He tilted his head and raised the bottle of alcohol that he was holding. He grinned devilishly stirring the liquid, "This...this thing can't get me high. This intoxication is nothing in front of you baby." placing his hands around her neck he slightly curled his fingers as if relishing the feeling of touching her.

Placing his forhead against hers in the picture he stared right into those beautiful brown eyes. There was a change in his gaze. A look of pure anger took over that perfectly sculpted face, "Everything was going the way I wanted it to then how come things turned out to be like this? Hmm?" his electric blue eyes turned a shade darker.

"You betrayed me.", he gritted out. Veins popping out through his exposed hands as he was holding the bottle really very tight.

"You fucking betrayed me!", he screamed throwing the bottle against the wall, breaking it into pieces. He was breathing heavily while frantically roaming his eyes all over her pictures.

"This time I won't show any mercy.", he shook his head and took some steps back, still staring at her pictures through his bloodshot eyes. He picked up a picture that was kept on the table. It was a picture of Rudra and her at the park. Anger was bubbling inside him while he stared at how she was smiling for another man. That smile was supposed to be just for him then how come she dared to smile at someone who is not him.

The fear that he had instilled in seemed like she forgot about all those things. The day he will have her in his arms he will make sure to mold her like before and this time a little more cruelly.

He took out a lighter from his pocket and set the picture on fire. Tilting his head to the side he smirked maliciously, "Try your best to keep yourself hidden from me baby because the day I'll get my hands on you...." the heat of the flames was burning his skin. He brought it closer to his face before whispering ," will regret leaving me....hiding from me....betraying me. You will regret each and everything you did to me. I'll make you feel everything I felt in the past two years." he spoke through gritted teeth.

Throwing the burning paper on the ground he crushed the ashes with his foot. He shut his eyes close and took deep breaths before opening them again and this time they were back to normal. He smiled looking into her eyes ever so softly as if he was a completely different person. Walking over to the wall he kept both of his hands at the side of her head. Caging her into his arms he leaned closer to her face in the picture.

The wait is over. I'm coming baby.

□      □      □

"But why so suddenly Bhai?", Rooh mumbled into Arjuna's chest while hugging him tighter. Arjuna sighed caressing her head.

Her Intoxicating SmileWhere stories live. Discover now