"AHH-" Jaemin and Haechan were screeching like two little teenage girls, seeing the two of them kiss.

They were so caught up in the moment, that they didn't realize there were eyes stuck on them since the moment they entered.

"He grew up so much" a tear rolled down Mark's eye. If only he didn't break up then, if only he didn't make his mother win, then maybe he would've seen how Donghyuck grew to be an adult, grew to be the man he is today, the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Even after all these years, even after his mother introduced him to tons of girls, none was even near Donghyuck's level. And that's why he promised himself that If the younger wasn't taken, he'd like to ask him to try again.

"Yeah, Yeah he did" Jeno answered, even though he was talking about Jaemin.

"So? What are you still doing here? Go and talk to him!" Jeno scoffed, pushing mark. The confidence of the old mark somehow went away as soon as they stepped foot in Canada.

"O-okay" mark took a big breath in and started to walk away.

"He's so dumb" Jeno chuckled.

"Who's dumb?" Someone asked, nearly making Jeno choke.

"You c-can't just go up to someone like that" he said, while Jaemin softly laughed.


"It's fine" Jeno started into jaemins eyes, getting lost in them. He had missed him so much. He had missed the way the younger scrunched his nose Everytime he didn't like something, the way he just randomly zoned out, the way he smiles, the way he talks, he completely missed the youngers existence.

"Hey Nana, can I ask you something?" Jeno questioned, taking jaemins hand in his, shocking the other a bit.

"Y-yeah sure" he blushed.

Just ask him Jeno he thought.

"W-will you go on a date with me?"


'Oh fuck me'

Haechan thought. Mark Lee. Mark fucking Lee. The love of his life, was approaching him in all his glory.

'Fuck how much he changed'

In Haechan's opinion, mark looked like a real man right now. High cheekbones, defined features, sharp jawline, and that Black slicked back hair made him look like a freaking god.



Strangely, it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more of like 'I missed you so much please hug me' type of silence. Yet none of them moved a muscle, it was as if they were playing who blinks first loses.

"How have you been?" 'How the fuck am I not stuttering' mark wondered inside his head.

"I've been d-doing well, w-what about you?" Haechan stuttered, looking down.


"Me too, listens uhmm h-how do I-I say t-this?" 'Fuck where did my confident self go?'

"Yes?" The younger boy asked.

"W-would you like to g-grab coffee s-sometimes? Of course when you have time! I'm not say-" mark got interrupted

"Sure, text me" Haechan answered, as he gave mark a tissue with his number on it, who he had written while mark was talking, before he even asked him.

You see, this situation looked 1 to 1 the same with the first time mark had asked Donghyuck out.

"Uh-hm h-hey hyuck, c-can I-I ask you something?" 16 years old mark asked his best friend.

"Sure! What is it?"

"W-would y-you like to to- to go out w-with me sometimes? You don't have to! Like if y-you h-have time or-"

"I'd love to" Haechan smiled, interrupting mark.

"oH mY fuCkiNg god! Did I really just accept him?!?!" Haechan kept on rambling to himself, until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"So? I heard you asking him out, I suppose you still like him?" Sungchan smiled.

"I-I'm so sorry Sungchan, i shouldn't h-have I-"
The older stuttered.

"Hyuck, don't worry. Yes I like you, but you like him and I understand that, now go on that date and don't mess it up! I'll find someone eventually, don't you think?" He reassured his friend.

"A-actually; would you mind if I introduced you to someone?" Haechan smiled, as the older agreed.



"A date? Mhmmm I don't know? What to I get in change?" Jaemin smirked, playing with the older.

"U-him I- I-" he panicked.

"I'm just playing with you Jeno, of course I'll go on a date with you" Jaemin chuckled, and walked over to his friend, not forgetting to wink at Jeno.

"Bro, i told you to ask him out on a date, not to ask him to fuck-" Mark reappeared literally out of nowhere

"I DIDNT ASK HIM TO FUCK-" Jeno screamed, and some people near them got shocked, he just nervously chuckled and bowed.

Mark just stared laughing like the asshole he is, Jeno then got caught up in his brother's laugh as he laughed alongside him.

"You didn't have to embarrass me like that" Jeno sighed, as he pouted.

"You know I love embarrassing you just like how I embarrass myself everyday"

(A/N): hi again

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