Recovering The Present

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Even after the heroes escorted you to the hospital, you couldn't move

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Even after the heroes escorted you to the hospital, you couldn't move.

You remained motionless, drained of energy and soul as you sat in a room by yourself. Your classmates had been taken out for examinations, so only you remained. Instead of being accompanied by Hawks, you were left with Sir Nighteye. The hero that saved you.

The hero that killed Takuma.


Just the thought of his name brought back so many horrible memories to the point it began to hurt. You thought you were free of him after avoiding him for so many years. The smell of rotten wood had finally began to become something you could handle, and the sight of demonic quirks no longer made you want to throw up.

So why now? Of all times in your life, when you were finally growing and becoming what he said you couldn't be, why did he suddenly come back?

You felt your chest tighten as tears pricked your eyes. Dots filled your vision as your breath quicken. He's still here is what you thought, despite having witnessed his death. That shadow, did it just move? Why did it move? Is it him? Is he in here? Here's here! I need to hide- No. I need to get out of here. I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave I need to-

"Hey kid, focus." A deep voice cut into your thoughts, though it didn't stop them. "Hey. Pay attention. I need you to listen, please," the voice continued. "Can you look around for me? What can you see?"

"H-Huh?" You moved your gaze up, your sight still blurry. "I-I see...." Red? White? Blue? "Colours. I-I see colours."

"Good. Try to take a deep breath and tell me another thing you can see."

"Wh-" You choked on your breath as you tried to listen to the voice. Still shaking, you tried your best to inhale deeply, but ended up coughing from the intense beating of your heart. 

"It's okay, just try to tell me another thing you can see," the voice encouraged. "Are you comfortable with me putting my hand on your shoulder?"

"No." Your response was quick. "Please don't."

"Then I will keep to myself," the voice hummed. "Do you feel I'm too close? Would you like me to give you some space?"

"Yes." You didn't care to say please this time, but you were slightly satisfied when you heard footsteps leading away from you. You were finally able to take a full deep breath, albeit it was shaky.

"There, I'm across the room now." The voice was much more feint than it was before, implying that their words were true. "Now, try looking around again. Name five things you can see."

Now with clearer eyes, you could made out the shape of objects that laid in the room around you. Wiping the tears that you didn't realise were falling from your eyes, you were able to see properly. 

"A- A pillow," you began.

"You're doing good, keep going."

"The door, my hands," you continued. "Curtains. Flowers...?" Your (e/c) eyes locked onto the bright/dull colour of your favourite flower, peaking your interest as you wondered how they got into the hospital room.

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