Stain The Walls

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"Another fake," Stain growled, jumping back to gain some distance. "Why do you puny 'heroes'... keep getting in my way!?"

"Is everyone okay?" You asked, tiny green orbs seeping out of your body as you took a defensive stance.

"Hey. Just what are you doing there," Stain licked his lips. The green particles landed on his wounds, making the bruises and cuts disappear. "You...!" His eyes widened in a slight mix of awe and annoyance.

"Tenya, Deku, Native! Can you move now?" You inquired.

"S-Slightly," Native stammered.

"He's right!" Midoriya gasped. "I can move my hand now! It's working!"

"Is this your doing, (L/N)-san?" Todoroki looked at you curiously. 

"You didn't think I'd reveal *all* my tricks to the world during the sports festival, did you?" You smirked. "The green dust is a special healing trick I kept up my sleeve. The only problem is..."

Stain's lanky figure, once slumped from his wounds, now stood up as straight as his spine would allow him to, withdrawing his weapons and taking an offensive stance as his eyes filled with bloodlust.

"...I can't control where it goes yet. All the fighting you did to weaken him may have just gone to waste. I'm sorry."

"That's okay," Todoroki hummed thoughtfully. "If the others are able to stand soon, it will be much more efficient to fight him together."

"Right!" Midoriya called from his spot on the floor. 

"(L/N)-san...not you too..." Iida gritted his teeth. You cast him a quick glance before focusing on the villain once more.

"If you're going to tell me to leave, don't bother," You huffed. "Right now, I'm here as the hero Tinkerbell. I'm going to protect you, whether you like it or not!"


Finally feeling the effects of the pixie dust, the armour-clad student struggled to lift himself off the ground. 

"Kehehehehe, that's more like it." Stain licked his dry lips. "That's right, focus your attention on me, you fake!" 

'If I don't stand now....' 

A pool of blood remained beneath Iida as he got to his knees while you dashed forwards. The sound of clanging metal and aggressive punches sounded out throughout the alleyway as you deflected Stain's attacks with your hardened wings. Todoroki fought when he could as Midoriya kept track of the killer's location, though their attempts were worth a grain of salt.

It was a one-on-one match between an infamous villain and a hero in training. 

Watching you fight back, watching every harsh blow you managed to land without endangering the people behind you; it made his eyes swell with sudden emotion.

Tinkerbell (Mei Hatsume x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now