Attack On Hosu

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"Welcome, welcome! Please come in, students of U.A!"

As soon as you and Tokoyami walked into the agency, you were met with the cheerful voice of a receptionist with what you could only assume was bubblegum hair. A bright smile almost reached her ears as she ran over to greet you. 

"It's so nice to finally meet you guys, you can call me Bubble Pop! I saw both of your performances in the sports festival. Oh, how incredible you both were!" she gushed, shaking your hands so fast you thought they might fall off. 

"N-Nice to meet you."

"Oh!" Dropping your hands suddenly, she slapped her cheeks in realisation. "You must be wanting to go to Sir Hawks, correct? Please follow me dears!" Although she was only walking, she seemed to bounce away as you stared after her.

"She seems rather...optimistic," Tokoyami mumbled.

"I know, right?"

The two of you followed the pink haired lady to an elevator and rode it up to the very top floor of the building. Once the elevator opened, you were met with a much larger red door.

"Sir Hawks is just through this door. This is his office!" Bubble Pop beamed. "I'll be down in the lobby, so please let me know if you need anything. Farewell!" With that, she scurried back into the elevator and waved until the doors closed once again.

"So do we just...go in?" you asked. 

"I suppose so."

You placed your hand on the door handle hesitantly before opening it, the sight behind the door shocking you.

"Um. Mr Hawks?"


The red-winged hero was sprawled across a large sofa, an arm draped over his eyes and paperwork scattered everywhere. His hair was a ruffled mess and his glasses were hanging onto the furniture for dear life. 

"What do you waaaaaaant?" he whined, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"We're here for our internship with you, sir. We're students of UA." Tokoyami stated bluntly. 

"Oh- OW!" At his words, the hero jumped up from the couch in surprise. "Agh, Bubble Pop should've told me you guys were here. I would've cleaned up a bit."

You and your classmate shared a knowing look, the two of you now unsure about the decision you made to train under the number three pro hero.

"Okay, okay...Uh so, I've never done this before, give me a second to think. " Hawks walked over to the both of you and sighed. "As you both probably know, I'm Hawks, I rank third out of Japan's heroes."



"Tough crowd," he sweatdropped. "I guess i can start by showing you guys around the agency. That way you can get a feel of what it's like on a normal day here." Pointing behind him, he gave you both a lazy smile. "You guys can just put your stuff there, then we'll get into the good stuff and go on patrol."

Tinkerbell (Mei Hatsume x fem! reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora