Plans for the future part 2

Start from the beginning

"So the governments should just demand the destruction of the dementors?" Alexis made sure.
."Not the destruction, but that they be rendered harmless," Harry specified.
"Is not it the same?"
Harry grinned at his friend and shook his head. Then he looked hypocritically at his dad.
.Severus sighed, but then chuckled.
"Harry gave me a book about the creation of dementors a few years ago. In there, however, it also says how to turn the soul eaters into completely harmless contemporaries. .and that is what governments should demand. Every country manages to deal humanely with its criminals, only England continues to live in the Middle Ages. It is time to move forward.”
."Wait, you know how to neutralize the beasts and you just say it like that? Hey, that's not a trifle, you're changing history. I don't believe it, he's acting like it's nothing," Lyra yelled.
."It's not nothing, not at all. It took me years to translate the book and brew the potions needed to change these creatures. .Believe me, that was a challenge even for me,” Severus explained, quite proud.
"You're the best potions master Europe has to offer, after all," Sirius smiled and kissed his husband.
."Probably the best in the world, I don't think anyone else could have done it," beamed Harry too.
"You exaggerate."
.While severus was proud of his achievement, he didn't like being the center of attention any more than Harry did.
"Will you explain to us how to treat the dementors?" Paradiso urged.
"Treat is the right word. .I would like to postpone the statement to another day. First Harry should tell you what else he has planned."
"You're worse than Scheherazade," Alexis mocked, making Clio laugh.

."Okay, then tell us what else you have planned, if we don't get anything out of your father," Orthos asked.
."If it turns out that the dementors are based on white magic, our journalists will start digging and then the truth about black magic and why it really has been banned will come out. .remember, we have very inquisitive and hardworking writers in our country, and on the subject, no one will mind that they are friends with us.”
"Are you sure?" Lucius asked skeptically.
."And yes, I will provide you with some documents from Professor Quirrell. No one knows that I am his heir, so no one will doubt the truthfulness of the scriptures. .especially not when the population finds out that none of this is a secret. Neither does the actual history of the Hogwarts founders, it's in the history books, only they're not used in the schools. .at least not in England, no matter what school you go to.”
"Let me guess, when people's outrage is at its peak, your politicians will try to downplay it all. .they will stand their ground and continue to claim that black magic is evil.only no one will believe them anymore, especially not when the foreign governments appear again and confirm the claims of this Quirrell and the journalists. .and believe me, I will convince every politician I know to help. They won't take long to ask either. Like I said, everyone hates the dementors. Oh, what a brilliant plan, and above all so simple. .you are a born politician,” praised the quarrelsome.
Harry grinned.
"If I had known earlier how much fun it was, the last few years would have been a lot easier. .but no, I had to listen to Sirius and think of politics as absolute evil."
"It's absolute evil," Sirius growled.
The rest of the dinner party then laughed at him.
Lucius kissed Harry.
."A real Slytherin, bravo."
"Thank you," the young man breathed.
After a while, Orthos clapped his hands.
"Once that's settled, we can get back to the fun part of the evening. .paradiso, would you please recite one of your wonderful poems to us?”
"Of course, with pleasure and afterwards my lovely Clio will entertain you."

.the next two hours passed with the performances of Paradiso, her student and Orthos. Lyra held back discreetly because, as already indicated, she had no musical talents. .after that, Severus also insisted on reciting some poems. And he got a lot of applause. Now Lucius couldn't let that sit and gave a few things to the best of his own.
.harry hung on the blonde's every word and couldn't get enough of his wonderful voice.
"Heavenly," he sighed after the lecture.
"Thank you," Lucius breathed, kissing his young friend again.

."Harry, I heard that you have a very special book to call your own. And you are also said to have enchanted a toy dragon. Would you show us those two, please?” Lyra asked.
The green-eyed man broke away from his partner and nodded. .he took Oskar and Beast out and showed them off proudly. His eyes fell on the monster book.
"Beast, please let go of her, she's not a chew bone," the young man grinned.
.the book grimaced ruefully and spat out the jaunty quill. She shook herself, stood on the keel and seemed to turn indignantly towards the Beast.
"Uh, how did she do that? .and, did she just put some quill points in her side?” Alexis marveled, completely forgetting to pay attention to his language.
"Yes, she has taken on a life of her own, maybe I shouldn't have argued with her so much."
.“You argued with a feather? And people call me short-tempered,” Lyra laughed.
“Unfortunately, there was no other way. She never did what I wanted, she kept writing some nonsense without me telling her to. .yes, i know, that was just my brain, but honestly? After a while, she did it on pure intent. I bet my white streak on that. Just like Oskar, he never listened to me at first either. .he even flambéed dad's sofa, and that's just because it was cowhide and he thought it was lining. He doesn't even eat. .and better not ask what the good guy did to Sirius' dragonskin boots."
Sirius raised an eyebrow before the scales fell from his eyes.
."Harry, please don't tell me your mad toy tried to mate with my shoes?" he snapped.
"Well, I won't say," the young man said sheepishly.
.severus snorted at the face as his man pulled away loudly. And the others couldn't hold back either.
"Please tell me which couple it is, they will be sorted out. .I will never be able to look at her with the same eyes again”, Black then added one more thing.
The outburst of hilarity that followed had nothing to do with an upscale dinner party. .it sounded more like the roar of a regulars' table.

“How can it be that these objects are all behaving so atypically? .I can still understand the monster book, it was designed that way, but the other things weren't,” Marino wanted to know after a while.
"I suppose it's the magic I'm giving off to the environment. .usually other people pick them up and thus strengthen their own abilities. Presumably Beast and the other items used my surplus magic to create some kind of consciousness. That would also explain why Draco still has such a hard time keeping rumbles of thunder under control at times. He still doesn't have his magic under control as well as I do mine, so the magic that's given does what it wants. .but due to my wild magic, I had to learn to control it from a very young age. Luckily I had good teachers,” he beamed at his fathers.
Severus considered.
."Now that you mention it, since the book and Oskar are with you, your outbursts have become less frequent. And since you got the pen, there hasn't been an incident at all."
"See? They're my minders, or something like that..they seem to ground the magic.”
"This will definitely help you with your training," Lucius stated.

After this riddle was solved, the Greeks wanted to see how big Oskar could make himself. .and he seemed to enjoy showing off his skills.
Harry, meanwhile, leaned into Lucius and enjoyed the gentle embrace the man bestowed upon him.
"What do you think about doing something alone tomorrow?" the blonde whispered in his ear.
"I'd love to," Harry beamed and kissed the man in turn.
Slowly the green-eyed realized that this vacation was exactly what he needed. Finally he went out more and dared to ask for a few small wishes. .Harry hoped that this vacation would still have many positive surprises in store for him.

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