The architecture was beautiful as well, like that of a cathedral.


A deep voice snatched my attention away from the extravagant museum.

My eyes meet a pair of cold looking ones that looked like they're the pathway to a heart and soul of ice. Despite that, he carries a kind and tender feeling to him.

A soft smile takes over his face in a rectangular shape, narrowing the unbelievably dark yet beautiful eyes that rest under the fringe of his silver dyed hair.

"Sorry I haven't introduced myself before... I never really got the chance, I'm Taehyung, you're Reina." He holds his hand out to shake mine.

I stare back dumbfounded, mostly because of the fact he actually talked to me.

"Um, yes." I nod, reaching out to shake his hand.

The tips of my fingers brush the soft skin of his palm as I go in to shake his hand but I pull my hand back in surpise. "I get the weather is cold and all, but why are your's like ice?"

He stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I'm always like this, its something I'm used to, don't worry." A charming smile tugs at his lips once again as he laughs.

The hot breath he exhales into the cold air becomes steam as it leaves his mouth while he laughs.

Taehyung was breathtaking.

I look over to see the rest of the class already making their way towards the entrance of the museum.

"We should get going."


The pair began to jog towards the group and eventually catch up to them.


Amongst the dark foliage outside, a woman stalked in the shadows of the trees. The canopy of branches and leaves above blocked out any possible light.

The woman watched with sly and mischevious eyes as Reina walked through the doors of the musem. A storm began to stir inside her but a familiar feeling stopped her from continuing any further actions.

She let out a sigh of irritation. "I don't enjoy being watched."

She watched as one of the many trees surrounding her slowly morphed into the tall body of a man.

"Leave her alone, I'm sure she doesn't enjoy being watched either." He slowly stalked towards the woman, his arms neatly folded over his chest. His eyes were closed in a calm manner but opened once he stood face to face to her.

She scoffed, "We're not here to hurt her, Seokjin, we're only here to make sure she gets what she wants."

Seokjin's smokey-green eyes remained serious and unfriendly. "Leave." He commands and the woman's physical form slowly deteriorates into nothing but ashes as they slowly descend to the ground.

He heaves out a troubled sigh of frustration and looks up at the greenery above him. The wind became harsh and painful again as it swiftly weaved through the trunks of the trees.

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