Making a Discovery (Fixed)

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A/N: sorry if you saw the double upload. I messed up the first one. It's fixed now though so enjoy. :)
"Damn. He got gamer'd." (Y/N) said.

"True," Amelia said back.

They were at a new murder scene. The victim had a big hole in the chest like the last one. The body had seemingly been moved into an alleyway behind a garbage can. They had already gone to the first crime scene and found nothing of use. Unfortunately, it seemed the second was having similar results.

"Can't you go back in time and see who did it?" (Y/N) asked.

"I usually only use time manipulation for current events that I'm directly related to. This is not one of those events." Amelia explained.

"Well, how are we going to catch the Chidori-er then?" (Y/N) asked.

(If you got the reference, you're cool.)

"We just need to keep looking. Sometimes the culprit will come right to you." Amelia said.

"As if we'll get that lucky," (Y/N) mumbled.

"I found something!" Amelia shouted.

"Motherfucker." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Seems they had quite the scuffle," Amelia commented.

"You mean you found where they fought?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yep. Co'mon sidekick." Amelia said before entering a doorway at the end of the alleyway. They had seen it right away when they got there but it had been locked so they put it to the back of their minds for the time being. Wait, how did Amelia unlock it?

"Amelia, how did you open the door? Wasn't it locked?" (Y/N) said. Before Amelia could answer he spoke again. "Wait! Let me guess! You used your time powers to rewind the lock to a time it was unlocked!" (Y/N) said excitedly.

"I just picked the lock silly," Amelia said with a chuckle. (Y/N) visibly deflated. "Now how about we find out what happened here?" Amelia said, walking further into the building. (Y/N) dejectedly followed.

"This place is a wreck," (Y/N) said.

"A fight did happen here so…" Amelia trailed off.

"No. I meant in general. There is water damage on the ceiling in some places, and the floorboards are visibly worn out. This place was a wreck before the fight happened." (Y/N) analyzed while picking up a discarded piece of the flooring.

"I suppose you're right," Amelia responded, looking around. "Can you look up what this place used to be for me?"

"Sure," (Y/N) said before pulling out his phone. After a few seconds, he spoke again. "It was a popular bar in the early 2000s. It closed down in 2008 and has been left sitting as a vacant building since."

"Kinda odd that two people ended up fighting here. It's a good place to fight if they wanted to avoid drawing attention but I don't think this fight was a planned event." Amelia said. "Can you pull out the files we have on our victims? Read to me about their backgrounds."

(Y/N) didn't respond and took off the sling backpack that Amelia had him carry. She apparently needed to carry important items and hiring (Y/N) was a solution to that. Thankfully the bag fit him tightly and didn't hinder his movements at all. (Y/N) fished around in the bag for a little before pulling out a folder. He skimmed the files before speaking. "Our first victim was just a normal civilian. A businessman that worked for a small company. He had no criminal background and he didn't have any drugs or alcohol in his system when his blood was tested during the autopsy."

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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