Ch 15 - I Can't See You

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Cypher's POV

Yoru has been recovering well. He couldn't believe at first that his hand was back. The only thing that made him believe that his hand regrew was the small scar on his palm. For the time being, he would be unavailable because apparently, his abilities were a bit scuffed and he needed to get used to his new hand. So, he has been occupying the training room, because if something happened, we could nullify his radianite power by force because we didn't want to lose him in the rift.

Other than that, Chamber has become somehow friendlier towards me. He would strike conversation first. At first, I thought he wanted something from me, but Omen said he just wanted to mend the partnership between me and him. And Omen, he became calmer around me. Maybe Aria told everybody that we reconciled although I couldn't find her anywhere. Weird.

"ah, Cypher. It's been a pleasure! Care to try my Tour de Force? I heard you're the best sniper amongst the other agents! Given the fact that you keep your eyes on the enemies and also your teammates, I'd say your aim would definitely the best,"

"thank you, but I'll pass. My hands are not that itchy to hold a gun right now. My coin is fine. Anyway, why have you come here? Need something?"

If he needed some information, I would make him pay. He's rich afterall.

"oh, I almost forgot. I wanted to apologize about something," he fixed the position of his glasses as he looked away in defeat.


"it's about the commotion. Remember when I.. threat you by using Brimstone's name?"

"haha! You call that a threat? Anyway, I know you were lying. But I have to thank you for that," I pulled out my tripwire, flipping it through my finger although it's more comfortable if I use a chip- I mean, a coin instead.

He tilted his head, waiting for me to explain.

"you see. If you didn't warn me, I might've hurt somebody more. As for now, after what happened to Yoru, I somehow felt like something has been lifted. I feel lighter,"

"I'm glad to hear that. So, can I say that you've reconciled with her?"

"I'm not sure yet,"

He frowned as I looked away, back to my monitor. I sat on the chair, and leaned my head backwards, literally facing the ceiling.

"I haven't talked to her since then," I spoke up.

"why?" he sat on the sofa, ready to listen.

"didn't have the chance to,"

"you could make some time for a bit, yes? Are you that busy?"

"no, I mean. I could never find her. When I came to her workshop, there's usually somebody else there. When I tried looking around for her at the other workshops or labs, she's not there. Tell me, Chamber, is she avoiding me?" I asked as I turned the whole chair, facing him.

He crossed his hands then leaned back, actually thinking for an answer.

"she doesn't look troubled. Maybe it's just the timing? When she's not busy, she would usually talk with Omen because Omen loved it when Aria did the bandaging,"

"are sure it's just the timing?"

"that's just my opinion,"


"excuse me for a moment," Chamber got a call.

"sure. I'll mute every audio," I turned to mute the audio output.

"bonjour, Brimstone. How may I help you?"


"I do have time that tomorrow. May I know the lineup you have in mind?"

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