Ch 3 - Settling In

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Aria's POV

It's been exactly a month since Cypher left. He sent me money last week so I could buy stuff I need. I still produced and sold my crystals to my customers but I reduced the amount of crystal I made everyday.

"remember, I don't want to share your healing. It's fine if it's just a bit. But make sure you're always on standby just in case I returned wounded,"

It almost sounded like he would only return when he's hurt and yes, he hasn't returned at all. He hasn't even contacted me even when he was about to send me the money. To pass time, I usually watch TV or roam around the area. Other than that, I sold my crystal. I could only sell 10 crystal a day now because I wanted to save my energy just in case he really came back wounded as he said.

"I have money, should I do something about this place?" I said as I looked around the living room.

It was okay, but I should decorate it a bit. I could buy some indoor plants for example. Other than that, I think I should decorate the bedroom more. The blanket wasn't that thick although it was warm enough. There were only the bed, a table and a chair, a wardrobe and that's about it. Oh and a door leading to the bathroom.

"yes, I should totally decorate the room! He didn't say I couldn't! I could sell those back if he doesn't like it or when I got kicked out,"

I took a shower then got ready to go out. I wrote a list of what I should buy. I walked towards a florist nearby and looked around. The lady was friendly and sometimes, she would say hi to me when I passed by.

"oooh, lady Aria. Good morning," she greeted me with a bright smile.

"good morning, madam. I would like to look for indoor plants or flowers. Any recommendation?"

"oh the indoor plants section is over there. You can look around and I'll let you know if it's the right one for you," she pointed at a section in the corner.

"thank you,"

I walked straight to the section she pointed. There, I saw two flowers that were catching my eyes almost immediately.

"isn't this.. peace lily? And hoyas!" I gasped.

"oh you know your flower names, lady Aria. I'm impressed!"

"Hoya Carnosas are my favorite. They're easy to take care of and unfairly beautiful! I mean, how could such a beauty be grown with almost no care?"

"exactly. They bloom beautifully even though they're not taken care of too much. Such a kind flower," she nodded.

"but I also like the peace lily.. should I take them both?" 

"I can give you a discount if you take them both! As an addition, you can give me your address and we'll send the flowers to your place,"

"that's amazing! Then I will-"

I stopped myself, almost forgot that I lived in someone else's place.

"but that wouldn't be necessary. I was heading home from a walk and came here to visit, but these beautiful flowers caught my eyes. I need to take them with me,"

"alright then. I'll pack them nicely. It's not hard to take care of them. you don't need to worry about the hoyas but lily likes low or moderate lighting. Please take care of my children,"

She packed everything neatly so it was easy for me to take them both. After thanking her, I walked back home and cleaned up the living room.

"alright babies. You go here, and you... hm.. ah! You're beautiful here!" I smiled at both of them.

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