Chapter 21

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Maybe everything would turn out eventually. Maybe my life wouldn’t be in ruins for too much longer.

I hear some commotion coming from downstairs so I get up and head down. I reach the stairs and I hear a few unfamiliar voices.

“We need to take her.” One unfamiliar voice murmurs.

“Ok, if you have to… I'm sorry Cinna.” That was defiantly Dan's voice.

I walked in and all eyes turned to mine. There were more people than I had expected.

“Hello, is there a problem?” I asked as I walked into the room filled with vampires.

“Well I am afraid we have to take away Jacinta here, she has broken the only and most powerful rule we have. Therefore she has to be prosecuted. Were very sorry.” He said holding Jacinta tightly.

“Wait a minute… You’re going to kill her?” I said calmly, she may be a bitch but I am not going to let her die.

They stared at me for a minute including Dan who was confused. “Yes, she told her family our secret. It is our job to prosecute her and kill her family.” What! They killed her family??

“Ok, look I don’t think that is fair.” I started, “You have killed the only family she had left. Don’t you think that is enough punishment?” I ask looking at all the scary vampire guests.

“Well, we need at least two royal vampires to agree, we only have one.” He stated firmly looking towards Dan. I looked to and he was staring at me.

“Alright I agree too.” He said looking back down to the ground.

“Ok, Mister Dan, you need to break the marriage. We are very sorry, but she isn’t allowed to live here anymore. She has to live with us.” He looked sorry but still stern at the same time.

“Yes, I understand.” He sighed walking towards Jacinta who was now crying.

“I'm sorry.” He bent down and did something. Some movement, then he stood and bowed to her walking away.

“Done.” He said to the men, they all bowed to me and then Dan. And then they began walking towards the door.

Me and Dan both shouted, “Bye Jacinta!” in unison.

Once they had all left I was still staring at the door in shock. Wait does that mean Dan's not married? I quickly looked over to where Dan was standing but he was gone. Suddenly I felt a really cool breath on my neck and I quickly whirled around to see Dan. He smirked, and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled; at least I got one thing out of this. Dan.

He cuddled me up in his arms and we walked up into the kitchen.

Everything was turning out. I might actually have a good life now.  I have a mansion, I’m part of a royal family and I have the love of my life wrapped around me. The only thing I can think of at the moment is that Felix gave his life up for me. That I will never forget. I will never forget him. Never!

The last few months have been great. I am actually enjoying my life as a vampire. Dan is all I wanted and his what I've got. Felix’s life was taken. And mine was restarted. This I will never forget.

Today was my birthday. The best birthday ever. Not that I was doing anything just that I was finally with the people I love. No one knew it was my birthday luckily. And it was going to stay that way! I couldn’t have a better present than be with Dan.

Crimson Shadows: Kidnapped by VampiresUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum