11: Haunted House

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Enjoy <3

I just wanted to start off the chapter by saying the video up top is only the haunted house part and Emma is Tate, Grayson is Chris, Ethan is Matt, and James is Nick. Obviously what I write is different because James flirts with Grayson in the YouTube video and makes jokes about marrying him and that won't happen in the book because they're brothers and that would be weird.

But this is just supposed to give you an idea of the way I envision it.

Onwards :)

We set up an appointment with a local haunted house at 6pm.

I decided to go home for a little bit and see my mom, do some homework, and get ready.

For my outfit I decided on baggy jeans, and a black Nike zip up, with my air forces. By the time I'm ready it's 5:15 and I make my way across the street to the triplets. My stomach flutters at the thought of seeing Matt.

I make it into the house and the three boys are in the kitchen eating sandwiches and making TikToks.

"OOO I WANT A PB AND J!" I yell going for the ingredients on the counter. They turn to look at me and start laughing.

"Hi Tate!" Matt yells and wraps his arm around my waist hugging me.

"Hi Matt!" I yell and hug him back.

"Hi Tate!" Nick and Chris yell also.

"Hi Nick! Hi Chris!" I respond.

I make a quick PB&J and we go to the van. Me and Nick in the back like we usually do for YouTube videos and Chris and Matt up front. Chris pulls out his phone and starts talking into it.

"Hello viewers we are the Sturniolo triplets coming at you from our mini van." He gives a thumbs up to the camera.

"Can I have the camera?" I stick my hand up and he gives it to me.

"Hi guys!" I wave. "Today Nick decided it would be a good idea to go to a haunted house so we're on our way there now. Somehow halloween is literally three weeks away. It feels like that's not right but it is. Anyways we have an appointment at 6 and it's currently," I look at the radio for the time. "5:23. We are about 10 minutes away." I give a thumbs up and give Chris his phone back.

I make eye contact with Matt in the rear view mirror and he gives me a cheesy smile that makes my stomach turn in a good way. A smile elicits it's way onto my lips and a blush rises to my cheeks causing my whole body to heat up. He looks back at the road with a smirk on his face and he lets his chin rest on his palm.

"Chris can you play an Ariana Grande song?" I ask.

"Sure, which one?"

"Whatever one is on the playlist." Nick says.

In my head starts to play through the speakers and me and Nick look at each other and scream the lyrics.

The bridge comes around and me and Nick look at each other and grab each other's hands.

Wanted you to grow
but boy you wasn't buddin
Everything you are
Made you everything you weren't 
I saw your potential
Without seeing credentials
Maybe that's the issue

"Damn who hurt y'all?" Chris asks and we just burst out laughing. I make eye contact with Matt in the mirror again.

"That was hot." He mouths. I shake my head with a smirk.

"Shut up." We pull into the haunted house place and get out recording.

"How are you feeling?" Chris asks pointing the camera to me.

My Lover Boy &lt;3 -Matty B. Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now