00. Prologue

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~ Newborn ~

"I thought the doctors said you were having a boy, momma," grumbles the youthful boy.

The little pink blanket was on display as the tiny baby slept soundly, unknowingly of the dangers in the world.

The mother always wanted a little girl and was estatic that her wish finally came true.

But, everything is not what it always seems to be when it first comes out.

She smiles softly at her youngest son, Andrea, "Well, God had other plans for our family."

Armando, the eldest, scoffs loudly.

He doesn't believe in God, unlike his Christian devoted birth giver. In his words, "it's utter bullshit".

Monique glared at her eldest son, "Shut it, Armando."

Parents say they don't have favorites, but Armando was definitely on her "I don't care if you're my child, I'll let you die" list.

Armando has never once hid his distaste for his parents. All of his life he made sure they knew that.

He looked boringly at her before raising an eyebrow, "That's why Micheal isn't here."

He knew it was low blow and frankly that's what he was aiming for.

Manuele, the second oldest brother, chokes on his drink, while Edorario, the eldest cousin, laughs out loud.

"GET OUT!" she screams, waking the baby with tears.

Armando raises his hands mockingly before exiting the room. Edoardo and Manuele follow behind their ringleader. While Monique tries to calm down the crying, restless baby.

"Isadora, please be quiet," she begs. The younger boys watched the wailing baby.

They couldn't help to think that the baby must not like the word, Isadora.

~ Two years old ~

"Isadora, please put this dress on!" the maid cries as she chases the young child in the room.

Madam Monique will not be happy if Isadora isn't wearing their Christmas/birthday dress.

The child giggles and jumps on their bed, "Is ugly!".

Isadora hated wearing dresses. They wanted to wear a bow tie, just like their bubbas! But Monique said little 'girls' must wear dresses, and little 'boys' wear suits.

"Iziz..." a gruff voice speaks as the door opens. Isadora runs to the doorway, "Dada!".

Armando sighs, "You can't call me that when she's home, okay?". Isadora pouts, "Otay."

"Let's go put on your dress, okay?" he picked up the young child.

"Leave," he demanded the maid before settling Isadora on the bed.

"I don't wike it!" they tearily cry.

His heart aches for his baby, "I'm sorry, love. But once she leaves, I'll have you wear your spiderman onesie all weekend long, deal?".



Armando's cold, dark heart stung when he saw Monique scolding Isadora for not acting like a "lady."

They were only two, for fucks sake! How were they supposed to act like a grown-ass woman?!

But, deep down in his gut, Armando knew that Isadora wasn't really a girl. He didn't want to assume, but there were too many signs of early gender dysphoria.

He looked up to the sky and whispered, "I just hope Iziz can be the person they're meant to be."

~ Five years old ~

Armando watched with emotionless eyes as Isadora cried in Monique's arms. His heart broke at every cry and shout they did.

"DADDY!" they cried as she walked out of the front door into a limo.

Micheal thought the crying child was begging for him, but each boy knew who they were calling.

Each brother and cousin chokes back a sob. They watched the joy of their lives walk out of their lives and into the hands of a monster.

"It was for the best, boys," says their father as he walks away into his dull work office.

He could care less for that child or any child of his for that matter.

Armando walks towards the window and watches the limo driving off the front driveway. His hands touch the glass and whisper, "I promise, Iz, I'll bring you home."

Just stay strong... A tear falls down his face as he can no longer visibly see the limo.

~ 12 years old ~

"She says that Isadora goes by Calvin now and uses he/him pronouns," Manny tells his eldest brother.

Armando smiles and looks at a Spiderman onesie photo of Calvin from when he was two years old, "Makes sense."

Andrea raises his eyebrows, "How? Did she- sorry, he give any hints when he was baby?".

Armando sighs before uncrossing his legs and facing his younger siblings and cousins (practically considered siblings).

"Calvin expressed extreme distress about his gender. He hated dresses- not that trans people can be feminine and identify as male because they can, but Calvin despised them. He hated barbie dolls and wanted monster trucks. He hated being called Isadora preferred IzIz because it sounded more "bubbish," meaning more boyish. Once he asked me if he'll have a chest like mine, flat and firm, and I responded with "no" and that he'll have a chest like Monique. He cried because he didn't want to be "Witch lady but like Dada." Calvin was always a boy since he was born. I figured he was a trans boy, but I knew once Calvin figured it out on his own, Monique won't like it. Well, because she's a- or rather was a devoted Christian".

"Now that we know she's fucked-up drug-addicted and Micheal's in Federal prison, we should take him back into our care," suggested Edorario.

"We can't just take him away from her!" argued Rocco.

"Why not!" exclaimed his younger twin, Niccolo.

"He's safe-" "He's with a fucking drugged-up bitch! That's not safe!" yelled Andrea.

"It doesn't matter! If he's with us, he'll be in real danger."

"Then we'll protect him until our very last breaths!".

"He needs to come home, now!".



"He deserves to be around his family, news flash, which is us!".

"Oh, fuck you!" 

"I'm not into incest, so no, thank you."

Armando put his hand on his head, leaning back into his office chair, taking a long breath before speaking.

"He's coming home to us."

Author's Note:

This is my very first story on Wattpad so please comment on any mistakes you see!

I'm not for sure what my updating schedule is but I'll try updating twice a week.

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CALVIN: Russo Crime Family Series #1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant