
"Hey honey" Dad said tapping on my door Sunday Morning
"Hey" I smiled looking away from my laptop and looking at him
"What's up?" I asked watching him making his way towards me
"Do you have anything planned today?" He asked and I shrugged with a smile
"Nothing that I can't reschedule" I said and he chuckled smiling
"Well I know that you've been having a moment lately and you're so social at the moment I've not had the chance to touch base with you? How about a Father Daughter day?" He asked and I smiled widely
"I'd love that" I said making him smile in return

"I'll meet you outside in 10?" He asked and I nodded frantically smiling as I watched him leave
It's been so long since we have had one of these days, they've always been my favourite type of days 
I had text James to let him know the change in plans, same with a text to Hayden
Today was going to be a good day, I just know it


Dad and I had already done so much and it was barely the afternoon, we'd been to all the places that I had spent my entire upbringing 
Like imagine all of your favourite childhood memories put into one day of bliss
It was incredible

We'd been to all the places I would have my afternoons with Dad too. Like the zoo, the café oh and the arcade
It's weird looking back at all the things we used to do and seeing how seriously different things are now you know?

"So Riley Roo, let's talk" Dad asked as we took a seat on a bench, the bench that just happened to be close by Parkour Alley where everyone currently sat. None of them noticing me yet but give it time and I bet they will 
"What do you want to talk about" I asked and he shot me a look
"Hayden told me" He said and I looked at him again biting my lip
"Look it wasn't that bad I just" I started before noticing his expression wasn't faltering 

"Riley, talk to me. I'm your Dad, the man who's shoulder you used to sit on just to see your uncles baseball game better" He said making me chuckle smiling
"It's nothing I swear, like it's already sorting itself out slowly" I said but he wasn't buying it

"Freddie and I fell out because I started seeing the guy who had my letters" I ranted and Dad scoffed playfully leaning back on the bench
"Hm why is this the first time I'm hearing about this boy?" He asked and I rolled my eyes
"Bigger fish here right now Dad" I said and he chuckled
"So what is exactly Fred's problem?" He asked and I shrugged

"He just doesn't like that James is from the other school" I said 
"Oh James? We have a name" He smirked making me hit him
"Daddd" I whined making him laugh before calming himself down
"Alright alright, sounds like there was never a Riley and Freddie problem here then" He said making me look at him confused

"Riley, you can't fix Freddies stereotyping behaviour. That is something he needs to work on. It'll be a while knowing how stubborn that whole family is but I reckon you two will be back to making mud pies soon" He said and I sighed biting my lip

"I don't know, this is going to sound heartless" I muttered
"hey it's just up Riley. No judgement" He said
"What if I don't need him as a friend anymore? Like I get it's always been the boys and I but like there was bound to be a breaking point and maybe this was it for Freddie and I? He wasn't willing to put something a side for our friendship so what does that say for us?" I asked and Dad smiled 

"I raised one smart daughter" he winked making me chuckle
"Riley, what ever you decided to do about Freddie is up to you. But make sure you listen to both your head and heart before making a decision alright?" he asked and I nodded smiling

"Now on a more important subject" Dad said making me look at him confused 

"This James boy.." He trailed off making me roll my eyes again 

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