
For the first time in forever. Everyone was busy, now usually I would have found something else to do but honestly, I was looking forward to some time alone, without the hectic environment that is dance, band and my friends 
I was scrolling through instagram when Riley's profile had come up again showing me her antics of this tuesday evening 

 Everyone was busy, now usually I would have found something else to do but honestly, I was looking forward to some time alone, without the hectic environment that is dance, band and my friends I was scrolling through instagram when Riley's profil...

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Her smile is really pretty. I know how creepy that sounds but I don't know, it really is. Like it's obvious that she is the schools pretty girl. Each schools have them and I'm certain she is one of Messer Highs pretty girls 

I smiled to myself before walking over to my desk taking out her third letter
Time to get to know Riley a little more 


So this letter is for a Hidden Talent. I would have wrote about secrets but I pride myself into not having them. Why hide something that could eventually come out and cause an unnecessary problem you know?

Anyway, onto the juicy gossip you're expecting
Sorry to disappoint..

I dance, I have ever since I was 4 years old, it was something Nana got me invested in and I couldn't have thanked her enough
Nana danced a lot through out her life and when the time came she passed her knowledge onto me. She could have given it to Emily but Emily was more of a Grandpa's favourite.

Nana and I used to spend countless evenings dancing in the garden, in the living room or at a little studio she grew up in
I haven't danced since she left us. I wanted to, there isn't a moment that I don't want to but I feel like I would be betraying her you know?

Like I'm continuing a routine that she used to be apart of.. without her? It just isn't fair 

I remember the day Nana and I went to my first recital. I had a solo and a group dance and Nana was so proud by the end, she had tears flowing everywhere and it was at that moment I fell in love with dance.
I loved how it can make peoples whole mood shift by watching you on stage
I loved being able to change the world one dance step at a time 

Nana used to tell me 'Dance lets you find yourself and lose yourself at the same time' and it wasn't until she past that I truly understood what she meant 

Dance gave Nana and I our own secret language, whether it be around everyone else or when we were alone. All it took was one look, one move and we both understood what we were trying to say

 I would give the world to get back into it but after not dancing for 2 years, I wouldn't know where to start. I wouldn't be able to. Not with this atomic size guilt sitting on my chest crushing me one move at a time 

I love Nana and I love everything she showed me growing up, maybe this could also be a hidden secret? Maybe my dancing days are over

Sure I would love to dance again but if this was the end, I wouldn't mind at all. I got to dance with my best friend for the rest of her life.
I got to see the world through her eyes
I accomplished more then enough to make her proud while she was here
Maybe that was all I was meant to do

See you in Letter 4!


I don't know about what to take from that, Riley's Nana has been a huge part of her life no doubt but I don't think this is the end of that story
I reckon there is still something left for Riley's dancing days. She just needs the right person to show her and to give her the little nudge she needs

She just hasn't met that person yet, but when she does. She'll realise it all

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