
"Are you sure you don't want to come and join us?" James asked as we sat in front of my house, I wanted to but I needed to figure things out first. I needed to stabilise myself before I bring everyone around me down with me 
And to my dismay. There were a lot more people then usual
"I would but I have a lot of homework to catch up on. Dance kind of took over a lot of time" I said making him chuckle
"Promise you'll call if you change your mind?" He asked and I nodded
"I promise" I said before he pressed our lips together again 

I walked into my house and it was empty, I mean I know dad would be at work but I figured mum would be home again
But I guess she's gone to visit her favourite child again
Don't get my wrong, I'm my father Daughter. We get along like no tomorrow but Emily's definetly a mummy's girl and Mum is most certainly a Emily's girl

As I got to my room, I couldn't help but notice everything just being something to link to Freddie, whether it be photos, clothing, presents. You name it and it was probably in here
I never wanted to have to say goodbye to Freddie especially like this 
I always thought if it was going to happen, it would be when we go to a different college and slowly fizzle away
I didn't expect an atom bomb to hit us blowing up everything we had built 

Freddie and Hayden are very similar but also so different. Hayden knows when enough is enough, he's open to other peoples plans, thoughts, life choices
Freddie has always been set on one path but that's merely because of how his parents brought him up..
He thinks he can have everything at no cost of himself 


The day was coming to and end and nobody was yet to come home which is out of the ordinary but it gives me more time to think through these thoughts in my head

Would it really matter that much if I was to go? To like disappear without anyone even noticing. I've already ruined one friendship, it's only a matter of time before I ruin the rest
You know what they say, one by one.. everyone starts to leave right?

I got up and headed to my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror before shaking my head grabbing the roots of my hair trying to fight back tears




Waste of space 

Yet I'm still here...

Someone. Tell me why?

I couldn't hold it back anymore I broke down crying before hearing the front door open. I expected it was my parents but neither of them called up to see if I was home
Instead all I heard was 3 sets of rushed footsteps before opening the bathroom door.
Revealing, James, Hayden and Michelle 

I looked at all of the before closing my eyes tightly letting the tears escape as I brought my knees to me chest
"Riley" Hayden said but I shook my head bringing my knees in closer
As I heard the scrapping of feet before feeling a weight sitting next to me, I opened my eyes slightly to see James sat there with a comforting smile on his face

"We can sit here for as long as you need" He said making my breath hitch before I fell into him crying again 
"It's okay" He said wrapping his arms around me pulling me on to his lap
"I've got you" He whispered kissing my temple as he rocked the pair of us 

I was sinking deeper and deeper but yet I couldn't have felt in a safe place

"We've all got you Riley" I heard Michelle said but I couldn't calm my breathing, it was getting faster and faster but James began to rub my back placing another kiss on my cheek as he slowly started to pull me out of the deep end 

Straight out of the deep end and into his arms..

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