The Picture

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Justin : uh babe, how did this picture of me get all over the internet ? Justin asks about the picture above.
You : show me which.
Justin : this one ! Look at my face !
You : oh ! Remember the other day when we were face timing ?
Justin : yeah ?
You : and you dropped your phone ..
Justin : yeah .. ?
You : well I screenshot this picture because you looked so cute while trying to grab it to keep it from falling and I couldn't help but post it on my twitter account. The beliebers went crazy when they saw it and kept on thanking me.
Justin : but I look so bad !
You : shut up ! You look adorable. You say and justin grins.
Justin : oh yeah ?
You : mhm.
Justin : you're the adorable one ! He says and attacks you with tickles and kisses.

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