Chapter 5 ~ Moving Day

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I'm not looking forward to today. Today is the day that we are moving to Brisbane. I told Taylor just after I found out myself, sure she was upset but when I told her the we have social media and soccer to keep us in contact.

We decided to make the most of the week we had with each other. Each day we did something that we both enjoy and had fun while doing so. We went the see the (insert Sydney's soccer team here), we visited Luna Park and The Opera House, we went shopping and spent and then day watching tons of our favourite movies.


I looked at the damn alarm clock, 6:30am. I thinking about moving away from everything I was used to, friends and soccer, but dad said that I will have Justin in Brisbane and I will find a soccer team to train at.

Talking about Justin, when I told him I was moving to Brisbane, he was over the moon. He's looking forward to me coming up to Brisbane, for two reasons, 1. He will have someone to train and 2. He misses me because I'm like a sister to him and he said that he is looking forward to having someone to hang out with.

"Brooke, are you awake yet?" My mum yelled from downstairs.

"I'm just getting up now mum," I yelled back.

I reluctantly swung my legs over the side of my bed and on to the floor. I staggered to where I had previously picked out my clothes, which consisted of black and white potted leggings with a black jumper with a white love heart on it. I decided to put on a black scarf and I topped off the outfit with some black converses.

I headed down stairs, where all of my stuff was packed in boxes, waiting to get picked up by the moving vans.

I walked into the kitchen and smelt food, sitting right in front of my mum was a big bag of Mc Donald’s

"Thanks mum," I said eyeing the food licking my lips in hunger. I went to grab my share of the food, to have my hand slapped by my mum

"You have to wait for your sister and your dad," she said, while giving me the evil glare to make sure I wouldn't do it again

"Fine I'll wait," I said giving my mum the puppy dog eyes

"Not going to work missy," she said trying to keep a serious face

"Fine," I huffed

I waited for another 5 minutes until my dad and my sister emerged from their rooms

"Finally!" I yelled running for the Mc Donald's

I grabbed out my large chips and frozen coke and sat at the bench. As I ate I looked around at my empty house. It's so weird to look around your house to see it empty and to see nothing there. No dining room table, No beds, No signs of habitants.

"Brooke, are you listening?,” My dad said snapping me out of my little daydream

"Sorry, just thinking I didn't hear you, can you say it again please," I asked

"OK, as I was saying we need to leave in about 10 minutes to get to the airport by 8:00 and our plane leaves at 10:00." he said.

"Ok, I'll put my bags I the taxi," I yelled walking out the door with my bags in hand.

After putting my bags in the taxi, I raced inside waiting for my parent and sister to get ready. Once they came down the stairs, we all bided our house goodbye and let for the airport.


We pulled up at the airport and took our bags out of the taxi and went to the sign in desk. After signing in we went through customs and once through we went to the gate; boarded the plane and waited for take-off.

10 minutes later the plane started to speed down the runway, when the plane increased its speed, the plane oozed of the runway and into the air.

Brisbane here we come.

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