Chapter Two: What. The. Hell.

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"I can't fucking believe that you did that to me," Yoongi fumes as he slams into the room and rips off his leather jacket, throwing it in my direction.

"What?" I ask, confused. I pick the jacket up from where it landed at my feet and brush off the sleeves. "I didn't do anything. I've just been sitting here."

"Don't give me that shit, Cassi," he roars at me. "You knew this would happen."

"I know that what would happen, Yoongi?" I ask him. Sure, we fight a lot, but usually, I know what it's about.

"My shirt. You left it untucked, on purpose, so that it would keep riding up while we danced." I watch as he falls down onto the couch, covering his face with his hands.

"I didn't know that would happen," I insist. I point at the TV in the room. "What's more, I watched the whole performance, and I didn't even notice."

"Then you were watching somebody who wasn't me," he grumbled. "Because it happened. Several times. You KNOW that I don't like to show my skin like that, Cassi. You know it. How could you do this to me?"

I fold the jacket over my arm and look down at the ground. I am not going to cry again. I'm not. It's been months since his yelling made me cry. I took a deep breath and blinked a few times to try and calm down the liquid that's trying to leak out of the corners of my eyes.

"I don't think that this is working out," he says, his head still in his hands. "Maybe we can ask for you to be switched to a member who's not me."

"Wh-What?" I stutter. He couldn't be serious, could he? "You're firing me?"

"Oh calm the hell down," he tells me, rolling his eyes. "I'm not firing you. I can't fire you. I don't have that kind of power. Believe me, I asked. I'm just saying that maybe you could keep styling Hobi, and maybe Jungkookie or Tae instead of me."

I looked at him. Stared at him, actually. I couldn't believe this was happening. And for once, I didn't even do anything wrong. Sure, I had pushed him with clothing choices in the past, but this outfit was pretty basic. Black ripped jeans, a black button down with mint green splashes on it, to match his hair, and a black leather jacket. I don't understand, and I just...I can't take this yelling anymore.

My lip was trembling when I answered him. "No. It's fine. You might not have the power to get rid of me, but I do." I tossed the leather jacket back at him, hitting him right in the face. "I quit." I quickly spun on my heel and hurried out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

Once again, I met Hobi coming down the hallway.

"Cass?" he asked me.

I didn't stop, I just kept moving past him. "Go away, Hobi. I just quit. Let me go in peace."

"You...You WHAT?!" he yells the last word, and Hobi never yells. "What in the hell did he do to you?"

"Go ask him," I said, waving my arm towards the dressing room. "I'm leaving."

Hobi tried to stop me again, but I rushed away from him. In reality, I couldn't actually leave. We were in Japan, and I had no way to get home unless it was with the crew. But I could hide out in the same bathroom I hid in before. I went in and locked the door, then sat down on the lid of the toilet again. I pulled out my phone to see if my mystery soulmate had messaged me back, and he had.

Giyoon: I thought so, too. It looks like yours fits inside of mine.

HipStar: Yeah. I was thinking the same thing.

Giyoon: what?

HipStar: I have absolutely no idea. I guess that we can keep chatting and get to know each other a little bit?

When the Stars Align Part One: YoongiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora