Chapter5 - Maleficent In My Apartment

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I eventually manage to catch up to Maleficent at the edge of the Moors, close to the village where all the humans live. When I stop running, I lean forward as I place my hands on my knees while panting due to being out of breath. A few seconds is all that is needed for me to recover. My fitness is surprisingly better than I originally thought. But then again as a university student, I try to walk everywhere I possibly can to save money.

"It's too late. He's gone." She says keeping her eyes towards the edge of the forest. "Not necessarily." I say to her. I kneel to the ground only this time not out of breath but finding something that could be essential to getting this man. "There's always evidence. Even when it is not visible." "I highly doubt that." She answers as I lift up a bullet left over from the gun, and I show it to her. "Well, what good is that? It's useless." She says getting irritated. "Is it? Open a portal so I can go back home, and I'll find out what I can from this." "And how will I know you'll refuse to come back?" "Well, you could come with me and visit my world." She raised her eyebrow and for a moment I thought she was going to think I am crazy or something but on the contrary. She actually opens up a portal and walks through and says, "Well come on then."

When I walk through the portal, we are back in my apartment. I immediately knock on my neighbour's door who is actually the only person I know who happens to be studying forensic science. Maleficent by the way stayed in my apartment, said something about people fearing her appearance. I get the feeling she's one of those people whose mind cannot be changed once it is made up. So, I don't push her to come with me. Anyway, my friend opens the door.

"Hey, Jax, I need a huge favour from you." I say to him. "Sure, what's up?" "Is there anyway you can find out whose DNA is on this bullet? It's a long story and one I don't have time for. All I know is lives could be at stake here." "Erm, sure but you do know you've touched it with your bear hands, right?" "There was no other way of getting it to you but surely there would be someone else's DNA on it, aka the person who put it in their gun." "I suppose. I'll have to do a lot of sneaking around to do this though. It's gonna cost ya." "Alright, when this situation blows over, I'll help you find a girl." "Deal." He says taking a leather glove and taking the bullet off me.

Once that is taken care of, I head back to my apartment to find Maleficent trying to figure out some of the electrical appliances which is quite hilarious actually. More to the point, the toaster. She keeps pulling the thing down that puts toast in to cook but is confused when nothing really happens. "What are you laughing at?" She asks. "I'm just surprised someone like you couldn't figure out something as basic as a toaster." "Toaster? Sounds like a torture device." I laugh even harder. "No, no. You use it to cook bread. Technology in this world is a lot more advanced. This is one of the basic forms of it though." "So, what do we do until your friend can find answers or at least that's what you say?" "I'm not sure but until then we can make some food and watch tv or something until then." "I'm up for food but not sure what a tv is."

I gather some of my many snacks and two bowls and dump them on the coffee table in front of the sofa and sit down. Looking back up at Maleficent, I can tell she feels awkward being in a completely new and strange place. She also seems hesitant about sitting down, unless her wings are too big? "Are you sitting down?" I ask. "No, I don't think so." "If it's because your wings won't fit on the single sofa, I can move to that one and you use this one?" "Only if, you're sure." I roll my eyes and move over. "Take whatever food you want. There's plenty of it and don't worry it's all vegetarian, assuming you don't eat meat?"

She's hesitant about trying the snacks. So, I pass her something anyone can handle. A plain blue bag of Doritos. (Spicy ones are the best but I'm not sure if she's even like spicy stuff). After trying one, she seems to like them and begins to eat the rest of them. That just leaves me to put on another episode of big bang theory until Jax comes back with any news. 

Ending this one here. I have finished writing the rest of this story and I am much happier with the outcome now. Anyways, let me know what you think so far and don't forget to VOTE! :)

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