Chapter4 - Do I Stay Permanently Or Not?

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After Aurora left, I begin to wonder what Maleficent wants to see her for. But my main question about those two is, how on earth are they getting along? I thought Maleficent cursed her at her christening. Anyway, I continue exploring the Moors for a little while longer. At lunch time, I went in search of some blackberry patches. I know they're an autumn berry but if this place is magical then surely this would be one of the magical things it possesses. Blackberries all year round that is.

It doesn't take long but a few corners and streams to step over and I eventually find a blackberry patch. I make sure no one is living in there because given this place is magical there is no way of knowing without checking first. I pick several off, enough to fill me up for a while. I take them too the stream nearest to me and wash them. Only after they are washed do I find a secluded place to sit and ponder my thoughts of the days rather unusual events properly.

Sure, I said I'll give this place a chance but what about my old life back home? Do I at least finish university before permanently living in a new world? Would my degree have any use here with it being environmental science. Would I even want to stay here on a permanent basis or just come and go if portals can be opened easily enough? And Maleficent said something about me getting my wings back if I decide to stay for good. There are so many reasons to draw me into staying here. But like I say there are downsides. Another example being central heating. It's going to get cold being outdoors at night, how would I stay warm? I'm sure if I stay, I'll get used to it but even so.

Wings flapping distracts me from my thoughts. It sounds like wind rushing on command. "Well?" Maleficent questions. "Well, what?" I ask confused. "Have you given it anymore thought if you are going to stay here or go back to the human realm?" Do I tell her what I've been thinking? Maybe I should. "I have but here's where I am stuck on my decision." And I tell her everything I've been pondering over lunch.

"Hmm, that is quite a dilemma." She simply answers after I finish telling her. "Tell me, what does this degree of yours mean?" "Well, it's an educational qualification allowing me to progress onto well paid jobs once I complete it." "And you'd much rather be in a realm full of only mortals when you could be here in a place full of enchantment as well as your own kind?" "My own kind?" I ask not sure what she means by that. "Yes, your own kind. Something you will find out about if you decide to stay." A downside to being in my world, as you already know it gets lonely. Maybe here I wouldn't have to be alone all the time.

I lean back against the tree and remain sitting on the ground which is cold but at least it is dry. Maleficent opens her mouth to say something else but someone, or should I say something, that something being a tiny red fairy flies towards her yelling. She seems to be in some sort of distress. "Maleficent!" She cries. "What?" She answers wanting her and her friend whom I didn't notice at first to get straight to the point instead of arguing with each other about who's going to tell her whatever it is they want to tell her.

"A man just came and stole some pixies. Everyone tried to fight him to get them back, but he had a weapon. A weapon made of metal and spits fire as well as metal and can kill you from a huge distance. He's well left the Moors by now." The friend of the red fairy wearing green says. "Ugh, it was my turn to tell her!" The red one says causing me to roll my eyes at them. "Wait, did the weapon look anything like this?" I say drawing what I think it is. The two fairies' eyes and mouths go wide in shock. "Yes! That's it!" "I don't like the sound of this. That weapon is called a gun and you can kill hundreds with it in seconds."

Before I could say anything else, Maleficent flies off and the effect of her wings cause a huge wind causing me and the two fairies to hold onto something. Once the effect of her wings dies down, I run off in the direction she headed. Maybe I can find out where this gun came from and what they plan to do with it. Maybe staying is better after all. 

Ending this one here. I'm wondering if this is going to need some serious editing. Let me know if you agree. Anyways, let me know what you think of the story and don't forget to VOTE! :)

Maleficent x Female ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora