Chapter3 - A Strange New Beginning

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When I wake up, I am no longer at home. I jolt up in panic. Why am I not at home? Then it all comes back to me. That Diaval guy wanted to take me through a portal and then a woman comes through it and claimed to be my mother. Surely though when she said her name was Maleficent, that had to be a joke... right? There's just no way I could be related to her. For one thing, she has wings, I don't.

As if on cue, Diaval appears. I roll my eyes. "She's waiting for you." He simply says. Fine. I might as well get this over with. Though when he finds her, she is stood at the edge of a cliff just staring at the place. She then turns Diaval into a raven and he flies off. "Why did you turn him into a bird?" I ask. "That's his natural form." Is all she says. Well, that explains why he always appears after a raven in my visions. "Okay, then why did you bring me here against my will?" "I merely brought you home." "But why did Diaval say that you had been searching for me for a long time? I just assumed I was abandoned." "Well, you assumed wrong. That is all I wish to say about it." "I just have one last question for now then." Maleficent turns around to me then. "And what might that be?" "How come I don't have wings like you?"

That for some reason seemed to take her aback but quickly collected herself. "You had them once. They were stolen. If I am not mistaken you should have the scar on your back." Huh. I always wondered about that. I lifted up my t-shirt and showed it to her. "Is this what you mean?" I don't know why I asked, I just did. She nodded. "There maybe a way to get your wings back but that all depends on you." "What does that mean?" "It means, if you decide to stay here permanently, I will happily help you find a way to get your wings back. I had mine stolen from me once too, but they were returned. I wish to do that for you should you choose to stay. For now, you can explore the moors. Oh, and if you happen to see Aurora, tell her I need to see her right away." I nod and wander off.

Time Skip

I eventually reach a stream and jump over the steppingstones. Crazy to think my whole life has been uneventful when I learn I am the daughter of none other than Maleficent herself. She's supposed to be a fairy tale character, a legend yet here she is, and I am her daughter. Maybe this is also why I have an interest in environmental science because had I been raised by her; I would have lived here in the Moors as she calls it. I admit she's a lot more reserved than I thought she'd be and nowhere near as chaotic as I imagined her to be.

My thoughts were soon interrupted when a girl called out, "Hi, I've not seen you around here before." Because my thoughts were interrupted, I lost my balance and fell into the water. Damn it, now my clothes are drenched. "Are you alright?" She asks. "I'm fine." I grumble as I stand back up. Though when I see the girl, I recognise her from my vision. Blonde hair, hmm I wonder.

"Who are you?" I ask since it would be suspicious of me to ask her by her name directly. "I'm Aurora and who are you?" "Y/n. But what's it to you?" She seemed upset by that which causes me to roll my eyes. "Sorry, I'm not used to being around others. I've been alone my whole life till now. Also, Maleficent says she needs to see you." "Did she say what about?" I shake my head no. she nods her head in response and runs off and calls out, "it was nice meeting you y/n." Maybe, this place might not be so bad after all. I might just give this place a chance. 

Ending this one here. What ya'll think of this story so far? I've got tons of exciting twists in this story. Some that you will definitely want to stick around for! Anyways, don't forget to VOTE! :)

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