Chapter 5

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not even gonna lie, I loathe ths one. Maybe its because the next chapter is my favourite and I hold it to high standard. Whatever I'm so sorry.


"I'm gonna tell him." he decided.

"What?! No way Goh, it's not your job to tell him!" Chloe rationalised

"But if he doesn't know... I don't think anyone else is going to, and he needs to know!"

"No. I really don't think you should."

"Well that's your opinion!"

"It is my opinion, you should listen to me for once! Stop being stuck in your stupid fantasies and come down to earth a little! Be realistic!" she shook her head, "If his family haven't told him them the probably don't want him to know just yet, and it would be a shock for him to learn his father is the leader of a terrorist group! He needs his family to be there to support him to find out something like that, not you!!"

Goh stood there stunned at her outburst for a second, then shook his head, running out of the door, with a determined expression on his face.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!!" Chloe called down the corridor at her fleeing friend, "Oh Eevee, when will he learn I'm only trying to help him..." she sighed, reaching down to pet her pokemon.

"Lucario, Aura Sphere!" Ash commanded.

Lucario growled, sending a blue energy ball towards the target. It hit bullseye.

"Well done!" he grinned, high fiving his blue and black pokemon, "Awesome!" He was about to give another command to his pokemon but someone grabbed him from behind.

"MFFMFMFMFMFF" Ash shouted but the person was covering his mouth with their hand.


Ash's eyes widened when he realised who it was, and he wrenched the arm away, "Seriously?! I mean I say this all the time but seriously?!"

"Now shush, Ash there is something important I need to tell you." the Team Rocket operative hissed, dragging them both to hide behind a bush.

"Your name?" he joked, but the glare he received showed that the taller teen was deathly serious.

"No. Of course not." he rolled his eyes, "Look, you need to pay attention. I'm telling you this for your own good." Ash shivered as his eyes met the piercing blue glare, "Do you know who your father is?"

"No. I've never met him." Ash responded, suspicious of what his captor may be on to.

"He's..." the Team Rocket operative trailed off, looking to the ground, "Your father... Is Giovanni, the head of Team Rocket." he let out a long breath, like he'd been holding that information in for months.

Ash was shocked speechless. His father... was evil? That... that can't be true.

"Why are you lying to me?" he asked bitterly.

"Lying?! I'm not..."

"Shut up!!" Ash stood up and ran away, ignoring the confused whimpers of the blue eyed teen. He needed to think.

<timeskip 1 day>


"Yes darling?" Delia asked sweetly, while juggling at least 3 pans.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"It's about... Dad..."

Delia's previously smiling face was replaced with a haunted expression, "What about him?"

"You know who he is... Don't you..." Ash felt tears well up in his eyes, "And... And you never told me!" he choked the words, a bitter taste.

Delia put down all her utensils and rushed over to embrace her son, "Oh, Ash, shhh..." she stroked her son's hair as he sobbed into her shirt.

"Do you..." sniff, "Do you not trust me?"

"Darling, I trust you... The reason I haven't told you is to protect you..." she kissed his hair, 

"But... how did you find out?"

Ash was at a loss for words. He didn't know whether to tell the truth or not, but when his mother stood back with her hands on his shoulders Ash didn't have much choice, "Well, this boy from Team Rocket told me..." he scratched his cheek.


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