Chapter 8

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<timeskip one week>

Ash looked down at Goh. He almost looked like he was sleeping peacefully, his eyes gently closed. But of course he wasn't sleeping, he'd suffered minor brain damage during the attack from being blasted against the wall by a pokemon. Or at least, that was what the doctors could work out from what Cinderace had been frantically miming. He'd also contracted hypothermia from being in the rain.

Ash felt to blame. He knew he wasn't, as people had been telling him the past week, but he was. He'd noticed him, could've helped him, but Ash was selfish.

"You're not selfish... You were helping the townspeople... It's Team Rocket anyway... Why do you care?"

People tried to comfort the brown eyed teen but he couldn't help but think it was all on him. So he visited the hospital to know when the Team Rocket operative (his name was Goh according to the label in his clothing) would be better.

"We don't know... It could be anywhere between months and weeks... You might as well do other things, Ash..."

How was he supposed to take his mind off the fact that it was his fault the blue eyed teen was in this state in the first place? What did they think of him, that he was heartless?

He snapped back to reality when the nurse came into the room to change the IV fluids.

"Still waiting here, Ash?" she smiled cheerfully.

"Yeah..." he answered. He'd tried so hard to avoid being talked to by the doctors and nurses in case they thought he was weird. Too late now, he guessed.

"It's nice to see dedication."


The nurse laughed, "Yeah, dedication. Most people would have given up on patients by now. I'm just surprised you're still here, that's all. Especially for an unidentified patient like him."

"Hmmm..." Ash looked at Goh again. She was right, the poor teen didn't have any known family to anyone and no one from Team Rocket had come to see him. He was all alone, really.

"So are you friends, or what?"

"We're..." nothing. What was he, just supposed to outright say he was here because of Ash's mistakes and he could never forgive himself while the patient was in hospital?! Yeah, no. "He's just my friend..."

She raised an eyebrow, "Seems like there's something going on here," she gestured in their direction.

"Oh, no, no, no!" Ash exclaimed, blushing.

"Ah, sorry! Didn't mean to upset you!" the nurse cleared up, "I was joking!"

It's ok..."

"He'll be lucky to have someone like you when he wakes up, though."


Goh blinked his eyes open. It was so bright, so bright. Who even needed this bright lights anyway? Then he became aware of a sharp stabbing pain in his head.

"Ouch..." he muttered.

A small gasp came from beside where Goh lay, "AH?!"

Goh didn't recognize the voice. His eyes were still adjusting to the brightness of the room but through lowered lashes he could make out a face. Some random person's face. Who's is this face?!

"Goh?" that voice belonged to a female but Goh had no idea who she was talking to. Then she walked over and it became apparent he was the one being addressed.

"Hello?" Goh replied, still extremely confused.

"You're awake!!" the person sitting beside Goh's bed exclaimed.

"Umm... Yes... Who are you?"

The brown eyed teen shared a look with the lady that couldn't have been good.

"Did I... Do something wrong?" Goh asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Amnesia..." the woman muttered.

"Am- what now?!" the teen with funny cheek marks asked, apparently also confused. So it wasn't just Goh, good.

"He's lost his memory, I guess." she looked at the clipboard beside Goh's bed, "But I have to check with the doctors for a proper diagnosis, be right back." she hurried out of the white room. Hospital room. Goh got a proper look around at the sterile walls and white furniture. There was complicated looking equipment all around him and a strange tube in Goh's arm. He didn't know anything about medicine, but it didn't exactly seem like a good sign.

"Goh? Are you... Alright?" the other teen asked. Goh took time to note his worried expression. Cute.

"I'm fine. Well not really, my head hurts and I'm so confused and I don't know what this Goh is but other than that then yeah, I'm alright."

"You're Goh. According to this, anyway." he held up a black shirt with a name roughly scribbled in the inside edge, "You did know that, right?"

"Umm... No. I don't even know who you are." Goh felt like he'd missed out on something to clue him in on this situation. Surrounded by strangers in a strange environment and he apparently had a verb for a name. He wondered what his parents had been like.

"I'm Ash." Ash replied.

"Ok, Ash, will you tell me what's going on?"

He smiled kindly at Goh, which was very cute, and then said, "You're at the hospital because you got injured. Don't you remember?"

"No." Goh replied (arguably rudely, but who could blame him).


I hope you dont hate me haha

Team Rocket Goh AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon