I kissed A Girl

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Mina can't explain what is she feeling cause, "I just kissed a girl, Sana!" she exclaimed.

She's expecting to have same reaction as her but she also expectedly know she will not as her best friend formed a smirk.

"Wow! Good for you." Sana happily said.

A loud disappointed groan escaped on Mina. That's not the reaction she wants, the one she want is just same as her. Weird reaction.

Her fingers touched her own lips unconsciously. "Is it possible that I liked that kiss?" Mina asked herself.

Her head shook in frustration. "No no no! She's probably a girl cause I saw her wearing a lipstick."

"Argh!! I can't. That's literally my first kiss, yet it was given by someone that I don't even know who!" A long sigh came out from her, she do not know what to do.

Guilt builds through Nayeon's whole body as she knew that the girl she accidentally kissed is her best friend. She knows, it's her first kiss. Not that she stole it, but she accidentally stole it.

"Shit shit shit!!" She muttered. "Why me?! Out of all people, why am I the one she pulled?!"

Her mind is occupied by her thoughts, her different own thoughts, can be negative or positive. But she know that most of it is negative.

Nayeon came back to reality when her phone rang loudly. Her whole body froze as the caller is.. Mina.

"U-uhm hell- "

"Omg! You won't believe what I will tell you, Nayeonnie."

Nayeon knew that this will happen. Her hands are trembling, heart beating fast. As she's not ready to hear those words.

"I kissed a girl."

"And she kissed back." Mina weakly uttered and sighed.

Sweats are visible on Nayeon's forehead. Silence surrounds them as they don't know what to say. Mina thought that this is the reaction she wants, something that's weird and same as her.

"Since when did this happen?" Nayeon asked as if she don't really know when.

Mina paused for a bit and answered, "Earlier."

"W-what was she wearing?"

Mina hummed as she's thinking. "She's wearing a sun glasses and a cap that is wore backward."

Nayeon unconsciously bit her nails, she's super nervous. She don't even know what to explain if she'll tell her the truth.

"May I know the reason why did you kissed her?" Nayeon asked, biting her lips in so much guilt.

"To save myself from embarassment, but I became more embarass on what I did. I just hope to meet her again and say sorry, I should not have done that, just because I saw my most annoying suitor." Mina said, feeling disappointed.

"What if s-she knows you?" Nayeon asked, her is voice trembling.

"Then, she should talk to me."

Nayeon knew that in this time, she should say it. But a part of her is saying that this is still not the right time. She might passed out from the nervousness she's feeling.

Days passed and Mina waited until she see that girl again. She's actully thankful because if she did not see that girl, she's with her annoying suitor again.

"Nayeonnie, are you free?"

"Hmm. When? Later or tomorrow?"

"Uhm, later."

"Why tho?" Nayeon weakly asked.

"I just want to hang out with you. I miss being with you."

Mina's heart beat fastened as she uttered those 4 words. She can't explain why.

"I miss being with you too, Mina. But I have to do something later."

She then felt sad.

"I'm sorry, Mina." Nayeon apologized and ended their call.

Mina started to notice that act of the older girl. She's being distant to her, and Mina doesn't know why. Before she told her about the kiss, Nayeon is being a little bit distant to her.

A groan escaped on Nayeon. "Argh! I still can't tell her. How am I going to tell her?"

Nayeon thinks carefully. "Maybe I should go there again and wear my cap and sun glasses so I can find her."

Her lips formed a pout.

"But I think, I should confess to her too."

This is it, she's decided already. No one can stop her now. Being a coward won't do anything to get her love, Mina.

And she's the girl that Mina kissed when the latter is in trouble.

Nayeon let out a sigh, it is a sign that she's ready. She roam around the place and gladly, she saw Mina.

While walking, someone pulled her. Just by the scent of that person, she already know who it is.

"M-mina." She whispered.

Mina hugged her.

"Thank you for saving me. You're a big help for me."

The older girl, pulled away and stared on Mina's eyes.

She slowly removed her cap and shades, smiling nervously at the younger.

"N-nayeonnie?" Mina asked and froze as she realized it.

"Uh, yeah it's me. I'm sorry for stealing your first kiss. I know you're still confused but I think I should let you know about this." Nayeon stopped and held Mina's both hands.

She stared at her eyes and spoke. "We've known each other for 5 years and since day 1, I already know it was you. It's you that completes me. You're the missing piece, cause my world stop everytime you're near. My heart beats fast, and your touch made the butterflies on my stomach be wild. Mina, I love you."

Mina didn't say anything but kissed her. Their kiss is full of love and affection. It's showing how they love each other, how their feelings are kept, how they control theirselves to kiss one another. For the past 5 years, they knew that they love each other.

They broke the kiss with their foreheads glued to each other. "I love you too, Nayeonnie." Mina uttered. "I love you so much and I didn't regret kissing you that time when I'm in trouble."

"Because from the moment I get close to you, I know it was you. I realized it after talking to you." Mina added.

Nayeon closed their gap and pulled away after a seconds. "Let's be together, Myoui Mina."

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