Love Foolish

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Nayeon, one name with a millions of different memories. She may be a cheater for Mina's so called friends but you can’t change the fact that she will love you, treat you like a princess

Mina is now currently laying down with her girlfriend Nayeon for four years on the bed, her head is on Nayeon's arms making it her best and favorite pillow. She sniffed Nayeon's neck that made her chuckle

"Yah! Mina-yah stop, it tickles" Nayeon stopped her and lifted her head more

"But I want to smell your scent" Mina pouts but Nayeon just looked at her

"Okay, don't force" Mina said and turned her back to Nayeon

She sighed at her girlfriend's childishness. Nayeon hugs her behind

"Baby" She called out softly

Mina didn't respond

"My baby penguin"


"Baby, I'm sorry. I was just teasing you earlier" She kissed Mina's ear lobe

"Just say that you're nervous that you'll smell like other girl's scent or perfume!" Mina rolled her eyes to her girlfriend

"No! Like what I said earlier, i'm just teasing you baby ~ " Nayeon said softly, and hugged her

Mina faced her but slightly pushed Nayeon's shoulder

"Yah! What's that for?" She asked holding her shoulder

"That's for teasing me earlier" And for the second time, Mina rolled her eyes

"Sorry my baby penguin" Nayeon pecked on Mina's lips

"You didn't tell me you're a stealer now?" Nayeon looked at her confused


"You stole a kiss from me"

"As if it wasn't a normal thing"

"You're right" Mina let out a soft defeated sigh

They cuddled again and many thoughts were running through their head with their heart beats, beating in sync, when they hold each others hands you can really tell that it was made for each other cause it fits, their eyes that sparkle everytime they look at each other, and the butterflies that can't stop them falling for each just made them the best couple. Imagine, to all the problems that they went through were all solved just because of helping and being there for each other? Isn't that possible? Well for them, it's possible, their relationship may not be perfect but atleast they're going strong together

Their relationship affects the most when Nayeon cheated on Mina. Someone called on Nayeon's phone but that time she's taking a bath, so Mina just answered it for her and it sounded like a girl


"Hello?" A woman's voice can be heard on the other line

"Hi! May I know who is this?"

"Oh Nayeon baby? You didn't remember me? Are you too drunk that time to not remember what we did last night huh?"

Mina frowned

"What are you talking about miss? This is Nayeon's girlfriend, who are you? Can you tell me your name?" Mina's anger was starting to build up

"Oh? But she said she doesn't have a girlfriend?" The woman said

"I'm asking you, what is your name miss?" Mina closed her eyes

"My name is IU"

"Okay Ms. IU, please tell me what happened last night"

"Why would I tell you? Let her tell you that, she's the one who cheated on you. And also betrayed me"

"Look, I don't care if you got betrayed by her, all I want to know is what happened last night?" Mina started to shout a little bit

"What happened last night was really fun and good, I didn't know that your so called girlfriend was good at making a girl cry on bed?" IU chuckled

Mina's blood was boiling now, it makes her want to search 'how to punch someone on phone' in google

"So you two just had sex?"

"Ofcourse, what else does a sweet couple do on bed? Just sleep and sex that's it" IU laughed sarcastically

End of Flashback

"Babe, do you remember how you cried and punch my chest the moment you knew that I had do it with someone?" Nayeon asked on the top of Mina's head

"Ofcourse, that will live on my mind forever. I can't just forget it, it was our biggest problem that we went through babe" Mina said that makes Nayeon agree with her

"You're right, maybe if we didn't met IU our relationship would be a little bit boring"

"That's so true, IU adds up a little spice on our love story" Mina said and hugged Nayeon

"You know, even though I cheated on you, you still forgave me. I'm glad and happy that you think to have a second chance for a person to change"

"Yeah, I will forgive you, I love you that's why"

"I love you more, Mina"

"You know? By just our love story, I learned that you can be a fool in love, cause even though you knew that she hurted you and cheated and you but when you love her, your heart will still choose her"

"Baby be spitting facts" Nayeon said while doing the sheesh meme

"Thank you for staying with me on our love story's book, it was named love foolish"


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