My Co-Worker

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Her alarm rings and that's the sign that she needs to wake up for her work, she took a bath and dressed up with her uniform clothes. Nayeon is not eating nor cooking some breakfast cause she's use to just drinking coffee every morning, she doesn't want something to eat but something to drink, yes she needs it

She checked her clock and saw that she's still early, but not that early cause it's already 6:30 and their work starts at 6:50. She wants to come at the office early so she can have her coffee while waiting for her boss

"Good morning, Ms. Nayeon"

"Good morning too, Mina"

She saw that Mina is giving her something, she saw a coffee on Mina's hand. They both drank their coffee

"Your the best coffee maker" Nayeon said as she sips the coffee

"Do I look like a machine to be called a coffee maker?" Mina said while chuckling

"Maybe? But I think that you're too beautiful to be a coffee maker" Nayeon smirked and she winked at Mina when she looks at her

"If I'll be the beautiful coffee maker, then you'll be the gorgeous coffee drinker" Mina smirked as she saw Nayeon's cheeks reddened

"If we're both gorgeous and beautiful, then we'll make a great pair"

"Yeah cause you're a lovable coffee drinker that makes everyone look at you"

"I know no need to tell me that cause if I'm lovable, then you're kissabl-" Nayeon got cutted off when their boss arrived

"You guys are early? Maybe this is the time for you to date right?" Their boss asked while chuckling at their reactions

"U-Uhm, We're not still dating boss" Nayeon defended

"You said still, does that means you two will date one day?"

The looked at each others eyes but then looked away

"See, you two can't even make an eye contact"

Both are looking down because of awkwardness that they're feeling right now. They just realized that their boss are right. They're flirting earlier without knowing that their pick-up lines can make them fall at each other

They did their work without talking, and Nayeon knows that Mina is serious and so professional doing her job. Mina won't talk to you unless it's so important or it's all about their job

So when it's already lunch time, Nayeon tried to talk or say sorry to Mina for the awkwardness that happened on them earlier

"Ms. Myoui, can I eat beside you?"

Mina looked at her and nodded with a contagious smile of hers. Nayeon sat beside her and prepared the food that she bought earlier

"I want to say sorry for the awkwardness that i brought to you Ms. Myoui"

"It's fine, Nayeonnie"

"Thank you"

Mina widely smiled at her and Nayeon got infected of Mina's contagious gummy smile. She didn't know that her co-worker is getting addicted of her gummy smile

"Nayeon-ssi, you smiled like a bunny" Mina chuckled

"Really? I didn't know that"

"How can you not know it? You're literally checking yourself on the mirror every time"

"Oh, you noticed?" Nayeon's eyes widen

"Of course, it's kinda destructing but for me it's a beautiful destruction"

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