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It was the next day and like always Seolhee was running hurriedly

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It was the next day and like always Seolhee was running hurriedly.
Well,it wasn't her fault that her school ends just 15 minutes before her shift starts.

Upon reaching the mansion she heard a car honk from the behind. She was already panicking and that didn't make it easier for her.
She turned around with a little frown on her face.

She quirked her eyebrows as she saw the same guy she had met at the hallways yesterday tilting his head with his arms on the window of his car. She bowed as a reflex answer. 
"Move" He said while waving his hands to the side.

Seolhee,embarrassed does as demanded.
"What's the purpose of being rich when you behave like that?" She mumbles as she rushes towards the door.

Taking one last glance at the other side, she saw him already standing on the door at the other side. Smirking at her,he waves at her before entering the mansion.

Niki enters the room and like always was greeted by the other guys.
"Late again?" Jake asks ,shaking his head
"Try to be on time"

"I am trying"

"Whenever you are late,you miss out on alot of things" Sunghoon says

"Mainly in parties"Heeseung joins in

"You all know what I mean" Jay grins looking at the rest

"Girls" They all reply

"Girls might be the best creation of God. That's why I have always been such a devotee. I truly thank them for creating girls" Jake says with his smirk everyone knew the meaning of.

"You seem happy? How many girls did you talk to this month?" Sunoo smirks too at the older guy

"6 or was it 7? Don't know,it was fun tho" Jake answers

"I beat you this time jake, I met 8 girls this month. But of course ,made them clear. No strings attached" Heeseung also says

"Of course no strings attached hyung. Us and feelings? Seems impossible " Niki questions

"Damn our parents will be real pissed once they find out that none of us have anything serious going on. Since you know,it's 'time' already"Sunghoon adds.

Right then they heard a knock on the door. A butler came in informing them that they were called downstairs.

"Tomorrow is the first day of the festival! I want no mistakes"  The boss demands.
"Do you get it?" He adds
"YES" Everyone replies.

The door opened with a loud sound revealing the same people as yesterday

"Is anything else necessary for the arrangements ?" One women asks

"Not anything right now " The boss replies

"Hmm,that's good"

"Also,you haven't met our sons right? The main 'stars' of the event" Another women asks.
"They will be here any moment now. Please take care of them and  fulfill their demands as well" The same women continues

"Sure Mrs.Park" The old man,I mean their boss replies.

Right then footsteps were heard revealing the sons.

"How tf do they always enter in the right time? Do they have some kind of superpowers or something?" Saeri whispers slowly so that only Seolhee could hear it.
But the two noticed three of the sons glancing towards them and silently laughing a little

'Did they hear us? Eyyy ,no way the distance is too huge for them to hear that' Seolhee thought lowering her head,as a sign of respect .

They started introducing themselves to the employees around them.
"And I am Niki "
"So his name is Niki?" Seolhee thought to herself.

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