Natsu Eats a Village

Start from the beginning

Everyone: Food!

But when we get to the center of town, something seems, off.

Gray: This place is empty.

Lucy: It does seem awfully quiet.

Natsu: Maybe they're taking afternoon nap or something? *calls out* Hey! Anyone here!

Happy: We're starving like crazy out here! Somebody cook us some dinner!

Lucy: Geez Happy, ever hear of the word please?

Gray: You really think the whole place is taking a nap?

Makarov: Either that, or the all got drunk and passed out.

Lucy: I think that only happens at the guild.

Makarov: Heh, we do love our spirits.

Natsu: Screw this, I'm gonna go find a kitchen to raid!

Gray: I'm ashamed you'd even think about robbing this place.

Natsu: You're just mad cause I thought of it first!

(Y/n): *nervous* Mommy?

Erza: I know, I sense it too. Something about this place isn't right. Stay close to me, step where I step, and don't touch anything.

(Y/n): Mmhmm.

I follow Mommy as she stops Natsu from eating the seemingly fresh food on the table in a house.

Natsu: What gives?!

Erza: Something about this isn't right. We need to investigate the village, we've held out this long, we can handle being hungry a little longer. *stomach growls*

Lucy: I think your stomach has other ideas.

Makarov: Question is, which one should we listen to?

Erza: Here's the deal. Natsu, Gray, Happy and Lucy go outside the village and find any edible plants or mushrooms. Master, (Y/n) and I will investigate here.

Everyone, begrudgingly, agrees and splits up. I stick close to Erza as she checks some hanging clothes on drying line.

Erza: *feels clothes* Damp. These were just put up here.

(Y/n): But how when there's no one here at all?

Erza: It hasn't rained for days either. I have no idea, yet.

Erza and I walk into a house and catch the Master about to eat the food on the table until Mommy puts on her scary face.

Erza: *scolding* Master?

Makarov: I was just investigating.

Erza: An eight year old is better at listening to orders than you are, pull yourself together.

Makarov: *defeated* Fine.

We continue looking through the entire village and can't find a single soul, alive or dead, *shivers* that gave me chills to think about.

Erza: Find anyone?

Makarov: Not a soul in sight anywhere.

(Y/n): Mommy?

Erza: Hmm?

(Y/n): What's this?

Erza looks and sees what I found, a crack in the stone walkway.

Erza: This is no ordinary crack, it must serve some kind of purpose.

We follow the crack in the stone and come to find others like it all over the village. Then we hear some sort of sound, almost like a monstrous growl.

Erza: What's that sound?

(Y/n): Mom, I'm scared.

Erza: I know, this place isn't natural.

Natsu: Erza!

We all look around as we see the buildings and road start moving around like jello.

Makarov: It cannot be...

Gray: Time to rumble, gramps.

Makarov: No, wait!

Erza: Master?

Makarov: We have to get to higher ground, there's something I have to see.

Erza: Stay close everyone! *picks up (Y/n)*

We get up to a high cliff just before the village turns into a giant plant like monster.

Erza: I see, it was a magic circle. To seal something away.

Makarov: The villagers used a forbidden spell called alive.

(Y/n): *nervous* M-M-Meaning?

Makarov: Look, the spell turns inanimate objects into living monsters. The villagers must've cast the spell only to be eaten by the very monsters they created.

Lucy: So why would the villagers cast such a forbidden spell?

Erza: Because they belonged to a Dark Guild. While investigating, I cam across a shed filled with magical tools. Upon closer inspection, I discovered they were tools used for black magic.

Makarov: Knowing how reckless Dark Guilds can be, they probably came up with an idea and got burned in the process. But, there's one good thing to come out of this.

Natsu: And what's that?

Makarov: These are now living things, so that means they can become food.

Natsu and Gray get devious expressions, while Erza sets me down and charges for the monsters.

Lucy: Even Erza is getting in on this?!

Makarov: Save some for me you three.

Natsu cooks with his flames, Gray makes monster popsicles and Mom, well, she certainly knows how to fillet.

Erza: Here, baby. Try this.

(Y/n): O-Okay.

We all try the new monster diet but-

Lucy/Gray/Natsu: Ew! Gross!

Erza: Agreed. This hardly seems edible.

Natsu: What were you thinking, Gramps?!

Lucy: (Y/n), that's gross don't eat that.

Everyone looks at me still chowing down on the monster fillets Mom made and grow confused expressions while Happy is being bucked around by a chair.

Erza: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hey, waste not want not. *continues eating*

Suddenly, more monsters appear and Erza grabs me while flying around in her Heaven's Wheel Armor and slicing through the monsters. Everyone, minus Happy and the Master go on the attack but the monster just keep coming. Then the magic circle from before appears again but this time it does something different.

Erza: Run for it!

Timeskip an hour later

Whoa, what happened?

Natsu: Man, I'm still so hungry.

Happy: I can't walk another step guys.

Gray: *annoyed* Guess it's a good thing you've got wings, you show off!

Lucy: I'm still ne sure what happened?

(Y/n): Me neither.

Erza: Apparantly, Makarov saved us after the magic vircle was activated. Then we come to find out the villagers were turned into those monsters.

(Y/n): Ew, so now I'm a cannibal? Gross!

Erza: I still don't get how you saved us Master? How did you do it?

Makarov: Eh. Maybe I'll tell you someday, but right now.

Everyone: We're still hungry!

(A/N): CUT! I told you guys to eat before we started shooting. *sigh* The dedication of some of these actors.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day/night wherever you are, and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!

Erza Scarlet x Child Male Reader Part: 1Where stories live. Discover now