"I'm sorry I didn't bring much this visit. I ran out of things to bring, I hope you don't mind." Luca said, taking out his journal, followed by a pen.

It took a while for Ranboo to come up with a response, he's felt more tired these past few weeks than usual. He was constantly in and out of the hospital, much to his dismay. "No problem. I'm still glad to have you here."

"Okay, just tell me when you feel like your breathing is off, I'll just call the doctors or a nurse to come in and check on you."

"God, you sound like my mom."

"Hey! I'm being a caring friend. I don't see your other friends visiting and acting like me." His lips turn into a soft smile, happy that they can still joke around a bit even in situations like these.

"That's because people can only visit one at a time? What are you talking about—"

"Still, better than Frankie and Kai, or whatever his name was." Ranboo noticed how Luca scoffed at the mention of Kai.

"Are you jealous of my other friends?" he raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

Luca's eyes widened in surprise, he didn't expect him to comment on how he mentioned his other friends. He cleared his throat, thinking of how to phrase things. "...Well, no. It's not that I'm jealous you have other friends."


"I just don't like Kai, end of story." he rushed to grab the remote, as a way to hopefully drive the attention away from the topic.

They fell into an uncomfortable silence as Luca started switching through different channels, finding a show that they would like. "So how long are you going to stay here for? You said a few more hours than usual."

"Probably four hours, I had to beg my parents to let me visit you for longer. They don't exactly like me being in the hospital, bad memories from what they said."

"...Yeah, sorry about that."

"No it's fine, i'm over it." he paused for a second. "Plus! I can't be too sad, i'm not the one suffering during summer."

"Thanks for reminding me that i'm suffering?"

"You know I didn't mean it like that!"

"I know, it's just funny to see your panic."

Luca rolled his eyes at the boy's antics, turning the television off when none of the channels sparked their interest. "I should've brought my laptop or something."

"Are you even allowed to bring that here?"

"I don't know, I just know that it would've been better than doing nothing."

"So what have you been doing for the past few weeks? Besides visiting me and stuff."

"Ah, well. It's been kinda boring not having someone to visit other places with. I found an oceanarium we could visit, but I'm waiting until you get better."

"You can just go without me? Don't bore yourself over the summer." Ranboo smiled towards Luca, but it was painfully laced with sadness.

"You can't say that when you've been spending the first weeks of your summer in a hospital, Ran." he eyed the boy in a serious expression.

"I'll be fine! Plus, you have other friends from your school. Go with them first, and you can show it to me, later on, when I get better."

"It would feel more special if I visited with you for the first time." he muttered, which landed a confused look on the other's face.



"What did you say? I didn't hear."

"I didn't say anything, maybe you need some rest."

Ranboo shot a concerned look towards him, but decided to brush it off. "Really? But you finally get to visit for longer."

"Um- uh, your rest is more important. I'll just be here if you wake up and your breathing feels off. Plus, it's not like we have anything to talk about anyways."

"There has to be something you're doing besides being bored all the time, right?"

He shot a raised eyebrow towards him. "You wanna hear about my family issues?" 

"I don't mind, I'm not gonna judge you for anything. You know that."

"I know! It's just you being in the hospital and everything, I don't want it to add to your worries."

"It's annoying when other people do that, but it's you. I don't care at all."

Luca hums in agreement, and clears his throat before talking. "Well, my family has been uh-- fighting more recently, m-more than usual."

"Why is that...?"

"If it makes you relieved, it's nothing about me, or your family. I don't think anything will ever happen to our families' bonds. But my dad has been staying out later than usual, coming home usually when me and my sister are asleep. Mom's been paying zero attention to us. At first I tried to grab her attention, or something, but she just doesn't-- care."

"But she at least lets you go here?"

"That's... that's the thing. It's like she wants me to leave, she just doesn't like it having to be the hospital all the time."

"That's stupid, I'd be happy if I got to spend that much time with you. Maybe my family should just adopt you."

A soft pink brushed over Luca's cheeks. "Uh, no, I think there are better options to spending time with you."

"But if we adopted you, it's manual for us to spend time together. So no one would get mad at us for it." 

"Do you have another family friend who could adopt me?"

"Why are you so opposed to the idea of my family adopting--" Ranboo's expression furrowed in confusion.

"I wish we were eighteen so we could just get married or something." he mutters.



"Don't what me. You're doing that thing again where you say something I can't hear, and then brush it off like it's nothing."

Ranboo tries to get a closer look at his expression, try to read it, figure something out. But it's kind of difficult. Unless he's just really dumb.

"How long has it been since you got here?"

"Fourty minutes." he lets out a sigh. "Not even an hour yet."

"It's almost like you want to get out of here already, what's up with you today?"

"Just leave me al-- sorry. I think I just need to take a nap or something. You don't mind, right?"

"Yeah it's fine, I don't care. I'll probably fall asleep too." he drags his chair closer to Ranboo's hospital bed, laying his head against it as to fall asleep.

"Good-- night?" he lets out a soft laugh.

"Good night. Sweet dreams or something. Don't get a nightmare."

««────── ♡ ──────»»

"Man, you two seemed to be really close." Tubbo lets out a laugh, laced with sympathy. 

"Yeah, we were."

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