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My sister has always been the death of my mental health.

Anything that i could do she could do it better. She would be praised for everything she's ever done. Especially art.

I've always wanted to be an artist. I would paint and draw and build things. But mud sister haley picked up on the skill as soon as i got into it. And wow was she a amazing. But oh that's not all.

If i raced my sister, she'd win. If i played a sport, oh she could play it better. Games of course she would always win. Her grades? Oh of course! Straight A's. Her mindset? Oh yes! Very pure and christian. She would never hurt a soul mentally or physically.

Only in her eyes of course.

My mother has always favorited my older sister. And i've always known why. She never argued oh she would rather die then n or agree with my mother on every idea. In her eyes my sister is a jackpot of a daughter.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't have issues.

My sister has anxiety. Horrible anxiety. She has acne and her body dysmorphia is off the chains. Yet this isn't something that i can take advantage of in the eyes of my mother. If anything it makes things way harder for me to grasp onto her attention.

My mother is so caught up in the fact that my sister has so many mental issues that she believe nothing could possibly be wrong with me unless it's for attention.

In 4th grade my vision started to get horrible. I couldn't see from my seat. And yes i did cause my grades to drop very quickly. And once i tried exposing my situation to my mother she said "Oh please you can see just fine, stop making excuses for your horrible laziness."

Then sooner or later i did convince her while i went to the eye doctor and found out i really was in need of a glasses prescription.

My sister will always through things into my path while i'm arguing with my mother. Like little side things to make me even angrier. Even a quick "Yeah" in agreement with my mother will make me snap.

Sometimes i do get these intrusive thoughts about my sister. And i'm not crazy i promise you. What i've been through with my sister does kill me inside. I'll always want to have a good relation with my sister but i know what she's done to me. She's made me a bitch. She's molded me to be an asshole. Iv  we always wanted to be the nice character the one everybody looked up to and admired for their beautiful talents and sweetness. But i guess in this scenario i'd be the evil sister.

That's a great name for it. The evil sister.

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