Start from the beginning

... The shoes flapped around on the ground until the wings folded up and disappeared.

"That's even cooler!" Percy did his very best to sound as enthusiastic as Magnus just had, but somehow the delivery got lost as his voice cracked. Thalia gave him a grim smile and he hoped he was just imagining it.

... I don't use them much these days," His expression turned sad.

"All the yucking it up," Will muttered bitterly.

"He was a very good actor from what I've seen," Nico quietly agreed.

...A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just, kill some monsters for me, okay?"

"No pressure or anything," Jason agreed.

..."Oh, why do I want to go anywhere with you, Percy?"

"Technically she just wants to leave camp and you're her ride out," Alex chuckled at Percy's sort of put out look for his girlfriend's old flame. He couldn't help the pessimistic thought in that moment if Annabeth would have forgotten about him in however long he'd been missing and moved on.

..."I won't be able to use these, will I?"

"Huh?" Magnus looked as if someone had just tried to take his own shoes away in the dead of winter.

... that would not be wise for you."

"That's ridiculous!" Magnus argued with nobody in here. "That's like saying he should never jump a puddle or ascend a building, a little low-level flying surely can't hurt him!"

"Better safe than sorry man," Percy found that his unease for the idea somehow got worse though. He'd thought the idea of the flying shoes had been that, but now he was just starting to feel paranoid.

"How often do you really jump though, it doesn't seem to be a recurring problem," Alex snickered, and it devolved the two for a moment into making faces at each other while Thalia continued.

I nodded, disappointed, but then I got an idea. "Hey, Grover. You want a magic item?"

"Isn't everything he uses technically a magical item, you know, by being a magical creature," Magnus was grinning at Hearth as he tried to remember all those signs.

He missed a few, but Hearth rolled his eyes and corrected his wrist movement while smiling at his friend.

... the world's first flying goat boy was ready for launch.

"Launching yourself in the air is the coolest thing I've yet heard of," Magnus grumbled one last time. If Percy didn't want those shoes, he'd volunteer.

... flying sideways down the hill like a possessed lawn mower, heading toward the van.

The others all got a nice long laugh out of that, but Percy's vision doubled horribly for a moment, the low lit room suddenly a dark canyon and Grover being dragged into darkness- Thalia cleared her throat harshly before she continued, snapping him back to the here and now. It wasn't just her targets she didn't miss.

..."If only I had more time. Hercules, Jason-they all got more training."

Jason looked baffled for a moment before he realized Thalia wasn't actually referring to him.

... about to sound like a brat... or Annabeth's invisible cap.

"It's not bratty to hope you get treated as equally as others," Alex disagreed. "You've seen them with magic items from their parents, and the only reason Poseidon has claimed you is because he wants something from you now." She wasn't quite shouting by the end, but she sounded extremely verbose.

How Do You Say Gods- Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now