Ch 13 - Green Light

Start from the beginning

She left without saying anything else. She really came back to me after all of those hurtful thing I did to her.

"with almost no care, this flower could strive pretty well.." I murmured about Hoya Carnosas, her favorite flower.

I was eyeing the Coucous she left on the table.

"and Peace Lilies.. what have I done? No, I'm protecting myself!" I hit the wall really hard.

It was hurt, but it was nothing. It would keep my resolve strong. I was about to flip the table but stopped myself. I walked towards the door and locked it this time.

"haaaah..." I sighed as I sat down, ready to eat.

The next day, I was on my way back to my bedroom then I saw her walking down the hallway alone with a box in her arm. I quickly turned back and watched her from the other side of the hallway. She stood in front of my bedroom. I saw her hand was about to knock on the door but she changed her mind. She crouched and was about to put the box in front of the door but again, she changed her mind. She stood there, facing the door then I saw her smile as she shook her head then turned away from my room, leaving.

"ho? What's in the box?"

I could feel a sting in my chest.

"why am I curious? Ah, it's just my watchdog tendency.." 

It was just an excuse I made for myself. I made sure she's already far away then walked into my room. I was ready to go to bed then the thought struck me again.

"ah, not again. Sleep, Aamir. You need to take a rest before going on a mission," I shook my head.

I took my mask off, I took my coat and hat off as well. I took everything off, just leaving me bare chested (he kept his pants on, don't worry). I looked at myself in the mirror.

"ha.. haha.. so ugly.."

Yet she blushed the first time she saw my full face.

"stop, Aamir.." I closed my eyes, still standing in front of the mirror.

As I opened my eyes, I looked at my self then looked at my lower abdomen. I didn't believe there was a literal hole there. I could see a small scar that looked like I was scratched by a cat or something. It looked so faint nobody would notice unless they took a closer look. I felt the scar with my hand, I couldn't feel anything. I turned and checked my back, nothing there. The only scar I could see was the one on my abdomen.

"and this one I got on my face.. it's also faint, almost nonexistent,"

I put a shirt on then laid down on my bed. It was cold, winter was coming. 

"maybe I was being unreasonable.. what is this? I turned away from for a moment, Nora. Just for a moment. But it's painful. This is what I get for betraying you.. I'm sorry.." I sighed.

I laid there with those many thoughts getting into my head. Why was I so confused? What did I feel guilty? Why did I betray Nora? Why did I hurt Y/n? Which step did I take wrong?


I got too stressed my heart was aching. I really needed some rest. I forced my eyes to stay closed and tried different positions to make myself comfortable.

"ah.. it's cold.."

The next day, I woke up early. It wasn't a good sleep but at least I took enough rest before going to my first mission. I didn't see Aria, so at least my mind wouldn't be stuck around her again on this mission. Everybody acted like usual, no one was talking about my problem which was much appreciated. Raze became alert around me, maybe because of what happened in Killjoy's lab.

"okay. We're done. No casualties and almost no injury. Even though we didn't have a healer, we managed to stay unscratched. Good job," Viper commended everybody, the spike in her arm.

"I can't wait to go back. I worked hard today as well.." Yoru sighed.

"yes, all of you did well. Let's go home,"

We went back to the base. After the debrief, I walked straight to my workshop. I opened the door then found a small basket on the table. A thermos and some home made cookies.

"I heard that you're going on your first mission. I hope you're doing well. Good job on your mission! And if things went bad, I hope these will cheer you up! Y/n."


I walked back to the door then locked it. I read the note that was in my hand again.

"I'm sorry.." I fell down on my knees, my breathing felt awful.

I stayed there for a while then finally went back to reality. I stood up then walked towards the basket. As I opened the lid of the thermos, steam came up and I could smell the chamomile tea as if she knew I had trouble sleeping. I just smiled then took the refreshments for myself.

It went on and on. She kept trying to make herself noticed by me. Those small cares she provided while trying keep the distance to not make me uncomfortable, I could feel how much she cared about me. She would leave a meal on my table while I was gone. She still tried to somehow give me the box but she kept changing her mind. She would leave me refreshments while also leaving me notes to return Killjoy's belongings. She did all of those without even seeing me. She knew I didn't want to see her, so she might be taking it slow by not approaching me.

"I could imagine her face when she's worried about me. I kinda miss it.."

"hey! Have you heard?"

Phoenix's voice? I took a look at my monitor where Phoenix and Yoru stood up, talking to each other.

"what?" Yoru crossed his arms.

"you know, it's been reeeeally stressful. I heard from Raze that Aria's workshop is green!"

"you mean the indicator light?"

"yeah! It means we can go in, right?! Wanna hang out?"

"sure. The beanbag is mine,"

"you can take it! I just wanted to see her!"

It's green? Was that a good sign for me?

Ayo! I'm sorry about my terrible English as I'm still learning but I hope you can get the message! Also, it would be much appreciated if you leave a comment so I know how you feel about these.. weird writing I do. As always, I hope you enjoy the story so far.

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