"What an interesting pair, don't you agree, Albedo?" Kaeya asked.

"Most would say the same about us."

An orchestra began to play a waltz, a song elegant and entrancing, fitting to the entrance hall, which had been redesigned for the occasion. The chandeliers were encrusted with diamonds and their warm light reflected on every wall and floor. The light of the chandiler was warm and crisp, not bright and piercing at all. It was a very inviting room to sum it up.

As the orchestra began to tediously play their instruments, strumming and pressing with so much vigor and care, the guests welcomed the change of mood and began to dance.

"My dear alchemist, may I have this dance?" Kaeya offered, bowing briefly and coming back up to offer his hand to Albedo. Albedo smiled and took it.

"I'd like nothing more."

They swayed over to the floor, finding a spot to match the tempo of the music. Lady Ninguang and Captain Beidou could be seen dancing together, Ninguang's elegant moves being interrupted by Beidou's unorthodox ones. Although, Ninguang seemed to be happy and laughing so nobody stopped them. After all, nobody would want to Tianquan, or the Capatain of the Crux Fleet on their bad side for that matter.

Kaeya saw bright red hair, and recognized Diluc immediately. He was dancing, laughing, and close to somebody. Kaeya smiled.

Albedo pouted and pulled Kaeya closer to him.

"Good for him, but you have a certain someone to dance with as well." Albedo said, gripping Kaeya's arms tighter.

"Fine, fine." Kaeya laughed and moved his hands to Albedo's waist.

The eye contact between them was enchanting. It was just the two of them, sure they cared about other people, but right now all they needed was eachother.

The music sped up and Mona could be seen dancing in to a beat of her own that somehow complimented the music, while putting on a show of constellations and planets, paid of course. When Kaeya and Albedo looked at her she winked and put their constellations next to eachother, a heart visible. Nobody besides the three of them understood the significance.

Kaeya and Albedo sat down at the bar to rest, after all they had danced for a long time, lost in eachothers eyes. Kaeya was just about to order when a hand roughly landed on his shoulder.

"Hey Captain!"

He turned around to see Captain Beidou, and an amused looking Tianquan.

"Hello to you as well, Captain." He replied. She sat down next to him, and Ninguang just stood behind her with one hand on her shoulder.

"Could I interest you in a drinking competition?" She smirked. "I've heard you can hold your alcohol quite well." She mused. Kaeya laughed.

"Why not!"

"Such a shame, Miss Beidou, it seems you're stealing my time with my dear Captain away from me." Albedo teased.

"Don't worry kiddo, this'll be entertaining enough enough you." She smiled and order a round for her and Kaeya.

Albedo and Ninguang made eye contact and laughed. Many, many, a rounds were had and quite a crowd gathered. Albedo would sometimes think of how beautiful Kaeya was. A prim and perfect image, yet it was a mere facade, how more human and beautiful could a person be? Perhaps that's why he loved him, his humanity, his kindness, his strength to keep moving forward.

Right now, he questioned that. Seeing as Kaeya was passed out, drunk, next to him. Captain Beidou was cheering and laughing while Lady Ganyu was trying to calm her down.

"Please, Beidou, we left everything to Keqing and the secretaries so don't cause any problems in Mondstadt!" She sounded genuinely concerned but also tired.

By the time Albedo got Kaeya up the crowd around them had gone back to festivities. Although wasted, he was a pretty picture. His eyes closed, his hair stuck to his face. The light didn't betray him either.

He looked so vulnerable while asleep, reminding Albedo of how Kaeya would often stir in his sleep when they spent their nights together. Sometimes he would cry and Albedo would just hold him and tell him it was alright, even though he didn't know what was wrong.

Kaeya opened his eyes, half-lidded at best, but still open. He looked around before landing on Albedo.

"Hey there doll, come here often?" He said, trying to prop his head in his hand, but missing and instead hitting his table.

Albedo laughed, "No sir, I don't."

Kaeya smirked. "Why're you here tonight? Heartbreak?" Although his words were slurred, his voice was still coated with honey.

Albedo got up and grabbed Kaeya's chin. "On the contrary, I'm lovesick for a cocky asshole, so I came to see him tonight."

Kaeya stood up, wobbling. "That so?" He grabbed him by the waist, pulling him in for a quick kiss. Their moment was rudely interrupted when they heard Beidou yelling across the room.

"Come on Ninguang! Dance with me!" She yelled, tugging on her sleeve. Ninguang was looking away, face red. Ganyu could be seen trying to calm her down, as she was clearly intoxicated.

The two of them laughed, it seemed the party was coming to an end. The dancers had drank all they could drink, the singers had sang all they could sing, and the lovers loved all they could love. And although the night was ending, the lovers were still lovers at the end of it all.

Note: hiiiii sorry this is so late, it would have been done sooner but I was fixing grammar for old chapters and I'm writing a new fic, so updating is going to be extremely slow. I also deleted my other fic because I hated it, I'll probably come back to the idea again because it was a good idea, just poor execution.
ALL UPDATES WILL BE ON MY CONVERSATION TAB I also just chat on my conversation tab and post random things, it's like my Twitter but you can't find my address and full name <3

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