"You! Stop right there."

I ignored the fireman and run up the stairs. I stopped to booby trap the wall then picked up Cat-Noir's still unconscious body.

"Sorry, but I guess it'll be just the two of us for now."

I jumped out of window, using my powers to quickly slide down a metal pipe. In a few minutes I had disappeared into the darkness without a trace.


Ladybug slowly opened an eye when she heard a rapid beeping sounds right by her ear. It took her a second to come to her senses and realize what it was.

"Oh no!" She sat up as fast as she could, almost headbutting the paramedic that was leaning over her. "Sorry, sorry."

She tumbled off the stretcher and fell to her knees. She quickly got back up and dazedly pushed out of the ambulance she was in. She shielded her eyes from the bright lights that surrounded her. A crowd people rushed at her, reporters leading the charge. She turned and threw her yo-yo at a sign and pulled herself into a nearby building, blocking her face as she crashed through the glass window. Not a second later, she run out of time and her suit disappeared with Tikki collapsing in her lap.

"That was too close, Marinette." Tikki  breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at her human.

"Yeah." She rested her head against the window and took in a few deep breaths to help clear her head. She gingerly peeked through the curtains to see everyone was still outside, cameras pointed at her. She turned back to the exhausted kwami and offered her a cookie retrieved from her bag.

"Thanks." Tikki said before taking a big bite. "I'll ready to go soon."

"Take your time." She smiled but it soon turned into a sad look when she remembered that Cat Noir was kidnapped. She hadn't seen it happen but  she remembered some of what he said when she was hanging out the window, though not clearly.

"If only I had thought it through. I should have paid more attention."

"It's not your fault, Marinette. We'll rescue Cat-Noir and defeat the guy in the mask. So don't blame yourself." She held Marinette's face and looked her right in the eyes. "Besides how would you have known that he would do such a thing?"

"I-I guess. He seemed really familiar to me. But I can't place him. What about you?"

"Same here." She nodded and swallowed the last cookie. "But we have to hurry before your mom and dad notice you snuck out again."

"You're right, Tikki." She stood up and the kwami twirled around her before stopping to hover in front of her, a clear sign she was ready.

"Of course."

"Okay then. Tikki, Spots on!"


Cat Noir groaned as he turned over onto his back. His head was pounding, his ears ringing and he could barely form a thought. But he was faintly aware that he wasn't in his bed.

"Ah, the little cat's finally awake." A voice said out of nowhere, coming from the surrounding darkness. He turned his head towards the side and saw a pair of boots stop by him. He sat up quickly only to immediately fall into his back. I laugh and squatted down to pat his cheek. He reflexively pulled away but I smiled and gave him a bottle of water.

"Calm yourself. Take a deep breath. Your brain needs a moment to catch-up."

You. W-what. Did you do. TO ME!"

"Relax. I tasered you that's all. Extreme, I know but I'm desperate you see." I stood up and walked back to the edge of the roof. "I had to take drastic measures."

"Thanks to someone's interference, my client is now furious with me and is demanding results now. She is a very powerful person and I really don't want to upset her."

"She? Last time you said your client was a he."

"Did I? Hmm. Isn't that something."

He eyed me suspiciously before he gulped down the last of the water and relaxed against the wall.

"So what now? You use me as bait for ladybug. It won't work. It has never worked. Well she would come but she won't fall for your trap."

"Oh, no no. That's where you're wrong. If things go as planned I might even get Hawkmoth too."

"How?" He asked skeptically, one eyebrows even raised but I shook my head.

"All in due time, my little feline friend. All in due time." My phone beeped and took it out to read the notification. "Ahh. she's already in the net. I just have to close it."

He sat there silently watching me and I played with my kunai as we waited. He hesitated a bit before asking.

"What makes you think I'm Adrian. I mean we are both handsome good-looking guys but that's all the is to it."

I laughed and walked over to him while dragging a chair behind me and reverse sat down on the chair and rest my arms on the back rest.

"I know right? It's impossible to be true. Just absurd." I grinned down at him until he looked away slightly before I let out another laugh.

"Next time, make sure you don't appear so quickly to save the day. And everyone knows you're teenagers. All I had to do was cross reference that with students who have a, never been akumatized and b, who conveniently disappeared when cat Noir arrived. Sure, there were a few discrepancies but it doesn't matter anyway." I said with a shrug then suddenly leaned forward to press the kunai against his throat.

"Now, this is what's going to happen and if you do exactly what I say, you get to be home and back in your bed before your dear old Daddy notices, got it."

He nodded slowly with his jaw obviously clenched. I smiled brightly at his expression.

Then let's get to work.


Gabriel Agreste clenched fist tightened the more the news reporter spoke. The mask had beaten him to the punch and just barely got both miraculous. Even leaving ladybug in a weakened state. Unfortunately he wasn't in a position to take advantage of this. After his attempted betrayal, the mask definitely wouldn't work with him again

"What do we do now, sir? Maybe we could akumatized someone?" Natalie stood by his side and watched the news with him. Her hands were folded behind her and she stood at attention.

"No. There's no enough emotions. After all, Ladybug and catnoir have been through worse. Everyone expects them to win yet again."

Suddenly he felt a large amount of despair and pain, so much that he fell to a knee while clutching the hawkmoth brooch.

Gabriel! Are you all right? Natalie quickly helped him back up, her worry evident from her expression.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just a little startled, that's all" She nodded and stepped back. Gabriel smirked when he tracked down the source of the energy.

"Looks like we will have a say in how things play out after all."

Never Forget (Male Reader X Miraculous Ladybug)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя