(This is the song you sang) 

I started to sing really loud as other dragons started to gather and I smile at them. As I started to reach to the chorus they started to roar loud with me. The Vikings turn to see what's happening and nearly mouth gapped as the scene in front of them. A bunch of dragons was surrounding me as I sing really loud beautifully as they roar along. I look like a dragon princess as they got distracted but immediately pay back attention. 

Once I reach to the end all of the dragons roared really loud together along with Toothless and Crystal and started to fly away as I wave at them with a smile. When I realize I could move hands I look at them with shock and smile realizing that the dragons must have set me free. "Okay guys thanks to the nice dragons I am now free so let's free you guys." I said to Toothless and Crystal and they roar happily. I then started to try to take the chains off but it is taking longer than I thought it would be. 

Suddenly everything started shaking so I look up and see the same dragon that me, astrid, and hiccup saw back then but I decided to call it the red death since it lives inside a really red area and kills a lot of dragon. It started to roar really loudly and started to get hit by boulders by it didn't do anything. It then started to destroy them and started to blast everything on fire as people started to dive to the water. 

The boat that I was on got caught on fire and I immediately started to try my best to get the chains off of Crystal and Toothless as they started to screech in alarm. "Don't worry guys I will get you out of here even if if cost me my life." I said and hold my breath while the fire was everywhere. I can hear Stoic and Gobber trying to attack the red death but I knew that it wasn't going to do anything. I heard something and turn to see the red death getting ready blast at them until it ended up getting blasted. 

I turn confuse but immediately started to smile when I see Hiccup, astrid and the gang on the dragons that I became friends with back at dragon training. I then saw Hiccup and Astrid fly over to us as Hiccup landed on the boat. He turned to Astrid and said "Go help the others." He then turn to me and immediately hug me saying "Oh thank thor your okay but how did you get free?" "Long story but more saving less talking" I said as he started to unchain toothless as I did the same with Crystal. But then a foot came and broke the boat into pieces as we started to sink in the water. 

Me and Hiccup swim to Toothless and Crystal as I was able to release crystal but toothless was still chain up and I turn to see hiccup floating so I put my forehead against Crystal and pointed towards hiccup. She immediately knew what I was saying and made a noise then flew to the surface with Hiccup. I swim to toothless to get him unchain until a I heard a splash and turn to see Stoic helping me. We unchain toothless and I started to feel dizzy but Toothless grab me and Stoic to the surface.

I started to cough as Hiccup hug me but we heard a noise and turn to see toothless and crystal gesturing their heads to their backs. We nodded as we got on their backs. "Hiccup!" I turn to see Stoic looking at us. "I'm sorry f-for everything and Y/n, I'm sorry for misunderstanding you." He said as I look at him with a smile "Your apology is forgiving." Hiccup said "Yeah me too." "You don't have to go up there." Stoic said but Hiccup said "We're Vikings, it's an occupational hazard." and I smile proudly as Stoic said "I'm proud to call you my son." "Thanks dad" After he said that we shot up to the sky.

We fly around and I saw Stormfly and Astrid getting suck in but toothless and crystal plasma blast it. Astrid started to fall and I told crystal to catch her as she listen. We then drop her off as we then started to fly straight up again. "That thing has wings. Well lets see if it can use them" Hiccup said as we started to dive while Toothless and Crystal started to roar. We then plasma blast it knock it to it's side. 

"Think that did it?" Hiccup ask as I turn to see the red death flying while falling us "Oh yes it can fly." I said. We flew into the fog while dodging the pillar elegantly as it smash into them. We flew past the tribe as they started to cheer for us. "Okay toothless, Crystal, time to disappear." I said and started to fly up in the clouds with crystal as Hiccup and Toothless following as I hear Hiccup said "Come on bud!" 

We flew straight up to the clouds again "Here it comes!" Hiccup yell as we dodge a fire blast. We flew up to the dark clouds as I patted crystal's head and she shot a plasma blast in front of us as we went through and disappear while Hiccup and Toothless hide along with the clouds. We waited for a good time and shot a plasma blast at it's back. 

We kept flying around still hidden and shoot at it at all angles. It then roar in outrage and started to shoot fire all around the place. We start to dodge at but hiccup yell "Watch out!" I look and see toothless' fin on fire and I grew worry. But we kept flying "Okay time up, let's if this work." Hiccup said. We then flew towards it as it tried to bite up "Come on! Is this the best you can do?!" hiccup yell trying to anger it. 

We started diving with the red death following us. I watch with worry as Hiccup was having trouble with controlling the tail fin as Toothless' face turn into panicked. "Stay with us Toothless. We're good just a little bit longer." I said. I waited for it to open it's mouth while saying "Hold Toothless and crystal." I heard it started to breath in and yell "NOW!" As they turn and both shot a plasma blast inside it's mouth. It's mouth started to catch on fire as it's wing started to burn. Toothless and Crystal then open their wings as we flew upwards moving to the side away from the red death as it went to the ground and turn into fire. 

We flew upwards trying to get away from the fire but toothless' tail ended up burning completely off as the red death's tail knock Hiccup off of toothless' back. I watched as he fell down and yell "HICCUP!" as I jump off of crystal's back towards hiccup and hug him to protect him from the fire. I felt wings around me and knew that was crystal but then I felt more weight and knew toothless was wrap around crystal as everything went black. 

Normal POV 

After all the fire disappear there was just smoke and Stoic was looking around quickly was calling Hiccup and Y/n's name. "Hiccup! Y/n! HICCUP! Y/N! SON!" He turned to see in the distance a mixture of black and white. He breath out Hiccup and Y/n name while running to the source. He saw toothless and crystal laying down together. They started to move around and Stoic turn to toothless' tail to see the missing tail fin. 

Stoic collapse to his knee thinking the worse. "Oh son" Stoic breath out sadly as he look down ashamed "I did this." Then the rest of the tribe started to gather around looking down with sadness as Astrid and Gobber made their way through the crowd. Astrid gasp when she saw the sight in front of her. The dragons that became friends with Y/n also watched and whimpered really loud. 

But what happen next surprise the tribe. All of the dragons from the dragon nest came over and gather around the night furies. They were the dragons that sing with Y/n and they started to whimper and whine. All of them then started to look at each other and started to roar really loud together and it was the same song that Y/n sang with them. It sounded really beautiful and was fill with sadness as the of the Vikings look around in awe. 

But then when Toothless and crystal joined in the song the dragons stop and look at them. Both of them look at each other and smile as they open their wings which revealed Y/n on top of Hiccup. She had bruises on her but nothing serious while hiccup had a missing leg. "Hiccup! Y/n!" Stoic then grab them in his arms and put his ear against their chest to only sigh in relief. "They're alive... YOU'VE BROUGHT THEM BACK ALIVE!" Stoic then yell as everybody started to cheer as the dragons roar loudly with happiness and victory at the same time from being free from the red death. 

Stoic then look at Toothless and crystal and place a hand on both of their heads gently as they purr. "Thank you, for saving Y/n and my son." gobber then came over and look down saying "Well, most of your son." 


End of chapter 

Hope you really enjoy it :)

How to train your dragon (Hiccup x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora