10.2 。

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--part 10

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--part 10.2 --

Let Off Easy

"You think he'd let you off without a scratch? Sweetheart, I could've done so much worse."


Fear was written all over Anzhi's face.

I knew she feared for her life—which to her could've meant winding up in the factionless after a reflexive twitch or the other possibility, quite literally, her own death. A single inch off, the width of a hair to the left, she'd be dead in a blink. The blade would cease everything she knew if even the most miniscule of mistakes was made.

I couldn't just stand there and watch. It didn't feel right. So, just as Renjun was ready to throw the knife, and before he could throw it, I opened my mouth and spoke up weakly.


I didn't know why I had done it, but by the time I realized my action, it was already too late. Everyone focused their eyes on me, a disapproving look on both Renjun and Jaehyun's faces. The meekly spoken command lingered as an echo in the room, the judging stares around me only amplifying the instant mixture of regret and embarrassment I felt.

They murmured, gawked around, their hands fiddled uncomfortably. And the instructor's glares shot directly through me.

I took a breath and composed myself.

I'll finish what I started, I guess.

"Anyone can stand in front of a target. It doesn't prove anything except that you two are bullying us," I calmly pointed out, "and if I recall correctly, that is a sign of cowardice."

"Alright then," Jaehyun smirked, haphazardly tossing the dagger in his palm, "It should be easy enough for you to take her place then, no?"


I sighed and made my way to the target, weaving through the crowd of initiates. My pace faltered as a large hand jostled my shoulder. "There goes your 'pretty' face," spat Somun, clearly enjoying the situation.

With a subtle sneer, I shook his hand off. Anzhi returned the small smile I gave as we crossed paths, walking towards the others. She instantly expelled a harsh breath, her hands clutching her heart in relief, the students around her beginning to murmur words of comfort. It didn't take me long to pick up on my own heartbeat, silently thudding in my chest. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. I frowned.

Just had to be the damn hero, didn't you, Tsumi?

I gulped and shook off the fear that was slowly taking over. I couldn't afford to be jittery, it would only increase the possibility of flinching.

Standing in front of the target, I took in a slow, deep breath, preparing for what was to come.

"Same rules apply, stiff. Flinch once and you're out."

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