Chapter 11

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Clay POV

It's been a few days now and the school week is almost over. I have been bombarded with school work this week and I hate it. I'm the type of student that doesn't need to study or do homework to get good grades, however my teachers get mad when I don't do it and I end up getting detention. So I try my best to stay on top of it.

I haven't had football since Tuesday. We usually practice almost every day after school but coach got sick this week and was unable to come.

It's also been a couple days since I've seen George. He hasn't been to school since I last saw him on Tuesday in the locker rooms. George isn't the type to miss a bunch of school days because unlike me, he needs to pay attention in class in order to maintain his grades. I only know this because the amount of times he bickers and complains to me about how its unfair is absurd.

My mind keeps lingering back to that day. To the bruises on his stomach, the look on his face when he noticed me but quickly covered it up with a playful smile, to the feeling of his wrist in my hand. I couldn't shake the incident from my mind and its been frustrating.

On Tuesday I didn't think too much of it when he missed that morning, but maybe something had happened and that was why he was late.

When Wednesday came I was a little skeptical. A lot of the boys were as well. They had asked Braden if he has heard from George and he vaguely said something about him being sick. The boys just accepted it and carried on with their day. Well everyone except Nick.

Nick gave him a stern look and asked if he could speak to him later, which Braden hesitantly agreed to. I have a feeling Nick knows something and that's what I wanted to ask him about today.

It is now Thursday and George is still not at school. I'm starting to get a little worried about him. Has something even worse happened? I hope not.

Well I mean I don't like him but no one deserves that I guess.

It's now lunch and I ask Nick if he wants to go out to eat today instead of staying in the cafeteria.

"Only if you let me drive" he replies arms crossed with a huge grin on his face.

"What? No way" I say.

"Are you serious? You let that bitch Braden drive it and not me" he says seeming offended by my response.

"Bitch? Since when don't you like Braden?" I question. Knowing Nick that isn't such an out of pocket thing for him to call someone he actually likes, but the tone he used seemed like he meant it. They used to be pretty good friends so I'm a little taken aback when he calls him that.

"I meant it lightheartedly" he flashes me a sarcastic smile. "Let me drive or have fun eating alone in your car" he closes his locker and starts walking towards the cafeteria.

"Okay!" I yell after him and he turns around slowly.

"Ok what?" he smirks.

"You can drive my car" I roll my eyes and turn to walk out the front doors leading to the parking lot. I hear cheering coming from behind me and he sprints to catch up with me. "I swear Nick if you crash my fucking car I'll-"

"I won't chill man!" He excitedly interrupts me. I try and hid my smile, he seems happy with the whole situation and as much as I don't want this to happen it's funny seeing him get this excited over it.

We get into my car and I laugh when he has to pull the seat up enough so he can touch the peddles.

Which earns me a punch to the arm.

I am now rubbing my arm in pain.

"Where do you wanna eat?" he asks keeping his eyes forward which I am grateful for. At least he cares enough to be cautious when driving my car. "I don't care" I shrug.

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