The Mirror of Truth [Siwon/Sungmin]

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The Mirror of Truth is also known as The Mirror of Knowledge, of Wisdom,  of The Past, The Present and The Future. It has a lot of titles but it's all just one the same thing. Ask a question and the mirror shall answer you.

The Mirror was located in one of the rooms at the highest level of the old abandoned castle surrounded by large trees, thorn bushes and wild animals. Basically, it would be one heck of a challenge to try to get to the mirror. Some people gave up halfway, some died trying and some succeeded.

The people who managed to arrive in front of The Mirror were usually a group of 3-5 persons and sometimes it even reaches 10. It's rare for just one person to visit The Mirror. Those type of individuals really gave off a good impression to The Mirror because it just showed how skilled and talented they are to be able to arrive in front of The Mirror without anyone's help.

What really amazed The Mirror is that a young boy, who looked around 9-years-old, stood in front of him. The young boy was looking at The Mirror curiously. "Nah. It's probably just a rumor. There's no way a mirror could talk." He said to himself.

The Mirror stayed silent because he wasn't allowed to initiate a conversation. He was only allowed to answer a question, which he hoped it would lead to a decent conversation because he was lonely so he would really like to talk whenever he would have some visitors.

"This seems kinda silly but let's try talking. What's your name?" The young boy asked.

The Mirror was shock because he did not expect that kind of question. Nobody had ever asked him for his name. Nobody was curious about The Mirror. All of his visitors only wanted to know things that only involved with themselves. "Choi Siwon."

This time it was the younger boy who was shocked. He wasn't expecte for The Mirror to actually talk back. "Woah! You really do talk."

"Yes, I do. Is there anything else you'd like to ask?" The Mirror or rather Siwon asked. He never talked with a child before. The child really looked cute that Siwon wished he could use his hands and pinch those cheeks but then again, he's a mirror and he has no hands right now.

"Um... I really didn't come here to ask a question. I was just curious and wanted to see if you could really talk." The young boy smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. "You can ask me a question if you want!!!"

The Mirror was surprised because he was used to answering questions and not throw questions. Besides, there was no need for him to question since he basically knows everything. "I don't know what to ask. I already know everything." Siwon said.

"Really? Then what's my name?"

"Lee Sungmin."

"How old am I?"

"Nine and shall be turning ten on the first day of the new year."

"Wow! You really do know everything!!! That's totally cool!!!" The young boy named Sungmin looked very happy. "Can I hire you as my tutor? I think you'll totally be a lot of help with my homework and those subjects that I really hate like Math!!!"

The Mirror felt himself growing fond towards the child. "I'd be happy to help."


Since that day, The Mirror didn't feel lonely anymore. Sungmin visited him every afternoon from Mondays to Fridays. Then he would leave for dinner but there are times when he could come back to spend more time with Siwon before leaving again for bedtime. Sungmin usually spent his weekends with his family or friends. The Mirror would feel lonely during the weekends and wished for Monday to come by quickly.

The Mirror still got other visitors. Honestly, he was starting to hate his visitors especially when they had bad timing and made him spend less time with Sungmin. Most of his visitors were greedy and some were violent.

The Mirror of Truth [Siwon/Sungmin]Where stories live. Discover now